Ertis Social and Enterprise Corporation National Company JSC
Ertis Social and Enterprise Corporation National Company JSC (SEC) was founded in 2007 according to the Edict of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan SEC was reorganized and its management was transferred to Akimat of East Kazakhstan region in June Authorized capital was approximately 6,1 billion tenge as on January 1 st, Ertis Social and Enterprise Corporation is National Company. The main idea realized in Ertis SEC is public-private partnership. The main areas of the Company’s activity ERTIS SOCIAL AND ENTERPRISE CORPORATION NATIONAL COMPANY JSC
receiving of profit new job formation budget revenue regional social and economic situation improvement Akimat of East Kazakhstan Region (social and economic development of the region) budget funds land resources mining license (rights) joint enterprise with government ownership (partially) state assets Ertis Corporation (regional economic growth promotion by means of enterprise development) development of joint projects with business representatives Participation in community expenditure funding BUSINESS Joint business project Resources Financing Resources 3 THE ROLE OF ERTIS SOCIAL AND ENTERPRISE CORPORATION
participation share NO MORE than 49% - financial assets, - movable property, - immovable property, - land resources, - subsoil rights. participation share - financial assets, - movable property, - immovable property, - land resources. Organization of separate legal entity Joint operation agreement Equity holding PRINCIPLES OF OPERATING WITH INVESTMENT PROJECTS REQUESTS
Investors’ Service Centre was developed in May 2013 in Ertis Social and Enterprise Corporation National Company JSC’s structure. ISC integrates investment projects, investors and measures of state support. INVESTORS’ SERVICE CENTRE
monitoring of the investment projects being realized. Searching for potential investors and national business partners; rendering organizational and informational support of the investors; Ertis SEC participation in the investment project; establishing of a business connection with Industrial Associations, Chambers of Commerce etc.; investors and investment projects database monitoring; ЦЕНТР ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЯ ИНВЕСТОРОВ SERVICES FOR INVESTORS
Searching for the investors International experience and conditions for negotiations Regional investment projects Consulting, service support National data base of investors and investment projects Ertis SEC National Company JSC’s importance growth Primary objective is To attract investments into the Region Primary objective is To attract investments into the Region FUNCTIONALITY
Pharmaceutical-processing industry Chemical industry IT industry Consumer goods industry Agro-industrial complex Tourism industry Alternative energetics industry Engineering industry Metallurgy and metalwork industries Construction industry Infrastructure development PRIORITY SECTORS
Investor 2020 Exporter 2020 Administrative support Industrial areas as places of projects realization: 1) «Ondiris» industrial area, Semey - 92 ha 2) «Orken» industrial area, Ust-Kamenogorsk - 114,4 ha 3) Industrial area at Mashinostroitelej street, Ust-Kamenogorsk - 26,6 ha SUPPORT MEASURES
Investors are entitled to: 1.use the income from their activities at their discretion after paying taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget; 2. open bank accounts. * Types of investment preferences 1.exemption from customs duties; 2.state in-kind grants; and property tax preferences; 4.industrial benefits.* GUARANTEES, ALLOWANCES AND PREFERENCES tax preferences: Relating to the deduction of cost of objects of preferences and the subsequent expenses on modernization and reconstruction.** *According to Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Investments ** According to Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Investment strategic projects : 1.manufacturing of products with high added value, 2.priority activities, 3.production of high-technology products, OR volume of investments is at least 8655 million tenge (for 2013 year).* GUARANTEES, ALLOWANCES AND PREFERENCES Investment preferences are provided only in priority activities.* *According to Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Investments
Contacts: Adress: 64 K.Satpaev Ave., Ust-Kamenogorsk, East-Kazakhstan Region, Republic of Kazakhstan Tel.(fax) +7 (7232) website: Investors’ Service Centre of Investments Department Head of Centre – Alibek Yerubayev tel.+7 (7232) (вн. 160) mob Chief manager – Stepan Shestakov tel.+7 (7232) (вн. 156) mob Manager – Anna Akentyeva tel.+7 (7232) (вн. 156) mob