Linking Performance to Decision-making in the Congress and the Executive Branch International Seminar on Governance and Development Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), Brasilia, Brazil J. Christopher Mihm Managing Director, Strategic Issues United States Government Accountability Office 4 November 2015 Page 1
Among the major initiatives to improve decision making by the Executive and the Congress “Data-driven reviews” under the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 (GPRAMA). The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 (DATA Act) Page 2
The GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 Among other things, it seeks to Instill a more crosscutting and integrated perspective to federal performance, and Ensure performance data is useful and used to inform decisions But effective implementation remains elusive 3 GPRAMA is a Central Part of the U.S. Performance Improvement Agenda
Limited number (2-8) of goals selected by agency “A near term result or achievement that leadership wants to accomplishment within approximately 24 months that relies predominantly on agency implementation” Have goal leaders assigned Receive special follow-up and top level attention 4 Agency Priority Goals
Reduce the number of foodborne Salmonella illnesses that are associated with USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)-regulated products—meat, poultry, and processed egg products. Reduce the number of foodborne Salmonella illnesses that are associated with USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) regulated meat, poultry, and processed egg products. By September 30 th, 2015, FSIS will reduce the total estimated number of foodborne Salmonella illnesses caused by FSIS-regulated products to 357,515 illnesses from a baseline of 413,965 illnesses. (USDA) Improve Forecasting Accuracy and Lead Times for Severe Weather: By September 30, 2015, the Department of Commerce will improve its overall weather forecast model accuracy to 9 days which will enable more accurate, consistent, longer lead time for specific weather event forecasts and warnings. (Dept of Commerce) Increase College Degree Attainment in America: We will measure the overall attainment goal, and the effectiveness of the value and affordability initiatives that foster higher attainment rates, by focusing on the critical year old cohort. By September 30, 2015, 45.6% of adults ages will have an associate’s degree or higher, which will place the nation on track to reach the President’s goal of 60% attainment by (Dept of Education) Reduce the rate of roadway fatalities: Reduce the rate of roadway fatalities from 1.26 in 2008 to 1.03 per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by December 31, (DOT) 5 Examples of Agency Priority Goals
Compstat Citistat Statestat Maryland, Washington Topical stats, especially IT and dashboards Federal Data Driven Reviews Page 6 Using “performancestat”
7 Quarterly Priority Progress Reviews: the Federal “performancestat” Model GPRAMA requires top leadership and program officials to be involved in quarterly reviews of priority goals. During these sessions, they are expected to review the progress toward the goals; assess the contributions of underlying federal organizations, programs, and activities; categorize goals by their risk of not being achieved; and develop strategies to improve performance. Other requirements Goal leader accountability Requires that they be in-person meetings
Practices for Effective Stat Sessions Agency leaders use data-driven reviews as a leadership strategy to drive performance improvement. Key players attend reviews to facilitate problem solving. Reviews ensure alignment between agency goals, program activities, and resources. Agency leaders hold managers accountable for diagnosing performance problems and identifying strategies for improvement. Agency has capacity to collect accurate, useful, and timely performance data. Agency staff have skills to analyze and clearly communicate complex data for decision making. Rigorous preparations enable meaningful performance discussions. Reviews are conducted on a frequent and regularly scheduled basis. Participants engage in rigorous and sustained follow-up on issues identified during meetings.
The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act The DATA Act is a major transparency initiative. Signed into law in May Requires federal agencies to release spending, grants, and contract data by May 2017 Must post to web in machine–readable formats Must use a consistent set of data standards 9
DATA Act Timeline 10
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