Beginning Activities Title today’s lesson: Economic Growth Research Activity: Factors Influencing Economic Growth Mission Statement: To prepare you for a life of responsible citizenship Daily Expectations: – Use the bathroom before you come to class – Come in quietly and get to work immediately – Pay attention and be respectful – No phones – No food or drinks other than water – Do your work – Give AP quality effort 5 bonus points for supplies
Extra Credit 5 points each 6 weeks for bringing supplies: – Paper clips – Pens – Paper – Staples – Tape
Economic Growth Chapter 13: Economic Performance
Economic Growth in the U.S. Real GDP per capita – the dollar amount of real GDP produced on a per person basis You get it by dividing real GDP by population.
Importance of Economic Growth Raises the standard of living Enlarges the tax base, which generates more tax revenue and creates better services Creates more jobs, which lifts people out of poverty Allows one country to help others Growing nations look to countries with economic growth to copy their success
Productivity and Growth Productivity is the efficient use of productive inputs to create goods and services. Productivity makes growth a lot easier. Labor productivity is the amount of output produced per unit of labor input.
Ending Activity Make sure the floor is clean Connect to our objectives: How does this prepare you for life and the future?