A quick guide to School-wide Positive Behavior Support For PTO/SAC
Definition of PBS (This is the ‘official’ one) Positive Behavior Support (PBS) gives people a new way to think about behavior. PBS is based on understanding why problem behaviors occur - the behavior's function. This approach to behavior can occur on a school-wide level, in a specific setting, classroom, or with an individual student. PBS is the application of evidence-based strategies and systems to assist schools to increase academic performance, increase safety, decrease problem behavior, and establish positive school cultures.
Definition for Lely A school-wide culture that helps to connect students, staff, and community. Simply said, “The Golden Rule” is
Another Way to Look at the 3 Tiers Tier 1 is the cupcake (80%) Tier 2 is the frosting (15%) Tier 3 is the sprinkles (5%)
What the Data Tells Us About Lely Elementary Model
Average Referrals Per Day Per Month **What can we do to help our students during the high referral months?
Multi-Year Graph Look how far we’ve come!
Referrals by Problem Behavior Almost ½ our referrals were categorized as Aggression/Fighting. What proactive approaches can we use to help lower that percentage?
Referrals by Grade Level **How will we work with this year’s 4 th and 5 th graders? a
What do we do with those kids who do not respond to School-Wide PBS? Let’s try the intervention Check In/Check Out!
CICO August ‘08 vs. May ‘09 We started with 3 students on CICO in August and by the end of the year, there were 79 children enrolled in this Tier 2 program. Check out the mean scores!
What Makes This Program So Successful? One word: **If a student does not respond to Universal PBS, and needs to go to Tier 2, they must be added to RtI tracking form. school
Why It’s Important to Fill Out That Sheet… This 3 rd grader started with CICO in November. With the support of her teacher and Mr. Goldstein, her self-control improved so that she was attaining that 80% goal!
When the small group interventions aren’t helping the student achieve the goal, it is time to create an individual plan. Many people can be involved in the planning. In the RtI folder, there is an intervention form that can be filled out to help address the problem and set attainable goals.
Bottom Line…What Does it Mean? Tier % Tier % Tier 3 1.3% Lely
Congratulations on a great job! Let’s celebrate Did you notice the monkeys playing around in this Powerpoint? They each had a word, that when put together will create a sentence about PBS. Write the answer on a post it and raise your hand if you know the answer!