Vocationa Education and Training 1.Formal Education 2.Adult Education 3.Vocational Training 4.Other training centers (PTK, KEK, etc.)
Vocational Education VET System has an important role in Kosovo Education System 90 profiles including 17 sectors 57 vocational schools 2 centers of competence (6 others planned) Vocational schools account for 57% of high school students
Vocational Training and Adult Education 7 vocational training centers administered by MLSW With 66 workshops and 30 differenty training programs Training centers – PTK, KEC, etc. VTCs-MLSW in cooperation with associations representing persons with disabilities trained 60 job seekers from among blind persons and 15 others for interpreters of sign language At the end of 2011, a survey supported by ARrK has shown that 55% of candidates trained by VTCs managed to find jobs IPA 2009 – Teacher training and capacity building of school directors
Adult Education Reviewing the Adult Education Law National Qualification Authority is operational
Vocational Education Component of KESP Implementation of KESP activities has started Review of the VET and Adult Education laws QA in VET Teacher training for counselling and career guidance 60 teachers from two vocational schools trained on inclusion. Preparations have started for training 20 multipliers and developing the program for inclusion in vocational schools Development of the Startegy for inclusive vocational practice in underway
Cooperation among stakeholders Close coopeartion in developing VET policies among MEST, MLSW, KCC, BSPK, etc. Cloese cooperation in policy implementation among vocational schools, business centers, eneterprises, vocational training centers, parents and students. Employment offices
Centers of Comptenece as integral part of the VET System Institutions which provide studenst with opportunities to develop their competencies through a system based on best European practices Quality management Infrastructure meeting highest international standards Mechanism of transfer to existing VET institutions Cooperation with domestic and international partners
CC Malishevë CC Skenderaj
VET offered by CCs Centers of Competence aim at providing students with skills needed for the labour market. This will be achieved through: Flexible and pro-active curricula matching changing demand of employers; Use of modern technology Inclusion of labour force with focus on marginalized groups Schools operate on rolling basis, so that former students can always come back for re-training during their professional career; Integrated Model- Credits, curricula and modules are coordianted within the Education System, so students can gain practical skills earlier and transfer to other education institutions;
Good practice
6/12/ Fields of study and profiles 1.Electrical 1.Electrical engineering 2.Machinery 3.Civil 3.Civil Engineering 4.Applied Arts 5.Traffic
Inclusion of students in school 1,722 students among them 88% male, 12% female Teaching in three languages (Albanian 92%, Bosnian, 5%, Turkish 3%) Ethnic background Ethnic compositions: Albanians 89%, Bosnians 6.25%, Turks 3.42%, Roma 0.79% and Ashkali 0.27% Special needs students: 0.26% Social welfare beneficiaries: 1.71%
6/12/ MACHINERY – Metal processing
6/12/ MACHINERY – Watre and sewage installations
6/12/ MACHINERY – Heating and Air Conditioning
6/12/ MAKINERI – Car repair
6/12/ CIVIL ENGINEERING Architecture
6/12/ DESIGN- Graphic Design
6/12/ TRAFFIC – Road Traffic
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