Background Accessory Dwelling Units Attached/Detached ancillary living unit Smaller in size Policy in Housing Element to adopt regulations Working Group Meetings (subcommittee of HETF) Chair Joan Cox Vice-Chair Ray Withy Member Kim Stoddard Planning Commission (Sept. 5, Sept. 19) City Council (October 9, October 23)
Discussion Issues Issue 1: Parking Waiver Ordinance: Parking waiver for properties parking not feasible parking study provided main unit provides required parking Issue: Additional incentive to create deed restricted units desired Suggestion: Additional parking waiver for properties where parking is feasible in exchange for affordability covenant Pros: Cost of construction may be prohibitive, even if parking is “feasible” Cons: When covenant expires, parking still deficient Staff Recommendation: Council provide policy direction (modified language – page 2)
Discussion Issues Issue 2: Amnesty Parking Ordinance: Parking not required for amnesty unit Issue: No incentive for existing parking to be retained Suggestion: Require any existing parking to be retained Staff Recommendation: Make this change to ordinance (language incorporated into draft ordinance and provided on page 3)
Discussion Issues Issue 3: Garage Conversion Ordinance: Conversion of garage not prohibited Issue: Garage conversion should be prohibited; on-site parking would be removed Suggestion: Prohibit garage conversion Staff Recommendation: If garage is converted replacement parking required. Could discourage use of existing buildings to create ADUs. No modifications to ordinance are necessary
Discussion Issues Issue 4: Exceptions and Affordability Restrictions Ordinance: Exceptions from size allowed in exchange for affordability restriction Issue: Exceptions from floor area, building coverage, setbacks allowed with CUP but do not require affordability restriction Suggestion: Exceptions for FAR, building coverage and setbacks should require affordability restriction Pros: Could result in additional deed restricted ADUs Cons: Could be a deterrent to development of an ADU; Some ADUs will be affordable just based on their size Staff Recommendation: Council provide policy direction (modified language – page 4 and 5)
Discussion Issues Issue 5: Privacy Ordinance: Objective standard windows/decks/doors not directly opposite and do not overlap Suggestion: Discretionary privacy standard for Design Review projects should apply Cons: standard is not objective Staff Recommendation: Do not incorporate this change Incorporate an exception for privacy with a CUP- discretionary privacy standard for Design Review projects could apply (language incorporated into draft ordinance and provided on page 6)
Discussion Issues Issue 6: Submittal Items Ordinance: Does not contain submittal checklist Issue: A list should be included Staff Recommendation: Make this change to ordinance (language incorporated into draft ordinance and provided on page 7)
Discussion Issues Issue 7: Noticing Ordinance: Noticing not required Issue: Notice should be provided Suggestion: Add a noticing requirement Cons: Ministerial process required by state Staff Recommendation: Council provide policy direction (modified language – page 7)
Discussion Issues Issue 8: FAR Waiver Ordinance: Conflict in Amnesty ADU section Issue: FAR Waiver language was removed, but a reference to it remains in the “conversion” section Suggestion: Remove reference Staff Recommendation: (language incorporated into draft ordinance and provided on page 8)
Discussion Issues Issue 9: Minor Edits Issue: Minor edits for language clarification and typos made to document Staff Recommendation: (language incorporated into draft ordinance)
Issue Summary IssueTopicAction 1Parking exception for properties with available parking in exchange for affordability covenant Policy direction from Council required (see Issue 1 for draft text) 2Amnesty ADUs which can provide parking must retain parking Staff recommended- language incorporated into draft ordinance 3Prohibit conversion of garage for an ADUStaff does not support 4Exceptions from floor area, building coverage and setbacks only allowed in exchange for affordability covenant Policy direction from Council required (see Issue 4 for draft text) 5Add privacy exception for review by Planning Commission Staff recommended- language incorporated into draft ordinance 6Add submittal checklist to ordinanceStaff recommended- language incorporated into draft ordinance 7Add a noticing requirement to ordinancePolicy direction from Council required (see Issue 7 for draft text) 8Floor area waiver for amnesty ADUsStaff recommended- language incorporated into draft ordinance 9Minor clean-up editsStaff recommended- language incorporated into draft ordinance Policy Decision Recommended/Staff Incorporated Not Recommended
Steps September 5, 2012:Planning Commission Review September 19, 2012:Planning Commission Recommendation October 9, 2012:City Council- Review October 23, 2012:City Council- Review November 13, 2012:City Council- First Reading November 27, 2012: City Council- Second Reading December 27, 2012:Regulations become effective, if adopted November 27 Tonight
Staff Recommendations Staff recommends the City Council take the following actions: Review the issues identified in the staff report and provide policy direction on Issues 1, 4 and 7. Conduct a public hearing on the Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulations Ordinance. Introduce and read by Title only “An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Sausalito Establishing Regulations for New Accessory Dwelling Units and an Amnesty Program for Existing Unpermitted Accessory Dwelling Units”, and continue the second reading to the November 27, 2012 meeting.