Overview of the Neutron Instrument Construction Project Shane Kennedy NSS Project Leader, ESS www.europeanspallationsource.se IKON 10, Düsseldorf, 16 February.


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of the Neutron Instrument Construction Project Shane Kennedy NSS Project Leader, ESS IKON 10, Düsseldorf, 16 February 2016

NSS Budget overview -with current IK estimates for Instruments and bunker 2 In-kind commitment so far = M € In-Kind uncommitted = 36.9 M € We are at 84% of our In-kind target Cash contingency is 5.5 % of cost to complete Cash budget = M € Cash spent (Dec 2015) = 32.3 M € We have spent 26 % of our cash NSS total budget (ring-fenced) = 350 M€ NSS In-Kind Target (65%) = 227,5 M€ NSS Cash Target (35%) = 122,5 M€ SJK, 8 Feb 2016

The In-Kind Delivery Model Roles and Responsibilities for NSS 3 In-Kind Collaborators – deliver most of the suite of instruments, most of bunker, large portion of sample environments, DMSC and competency development ESS-Lund –Coordinate NSS Project, collaborate on instruments AND deliver everything else; neutron sources, safety systems, standards, IK framework packages, buildings, services, labs, support for installation, commissioning, operations & maintenance

Questions for NSS management in SJK, 7 March 2016 How much of the budget can we allocate to instruments ? Much of the rest uses cash & 26 % of cash is spent = not a lot of room for more How much do we need for sample environment ? How much do we need for DMSC ? How much do we need for Instrument Technologies ? We are working on these as you consider your scope on neutron instruments How much more development can NSS afford ? Much development has been done, but there are still outstanding questions –e.g. straight guides, t-zero choppers, heavy shutters Detector development – NSS is still quite dependent. We need to reduce risk to cost & schedule on instruments. Back-up plans for risky devlopments must be actionable, affordable and timely.

Neutron Instruments: IK lead & provisional budgets 5 Provisional Total M€ IK component accepted by partners/Target ~ 88 % In-Kind component Target ~ 93 % Additional ESS commitment to instruments ~43 M€ 1 Includes SONDE funded detector development, worth ~ 2 M € to SKADI SJK, 1 Feb 2016

The Science Directorate / Neutron Scattering Systems Budget 6 SJK, 7 March 2016 Contingency Notes This budget breakdown is provisional NSS needs contingency > 10 % of cost to complete (over instrument budget contingencies) There is pressure to increase instrument component – but there are no soft targets in other budget items We must resolve NSS budget in 2016 to meet schedule

In-Kind Contributions to Neutron Instruments Country Summary 7 Main unassigned scope 6 th Spectrometer (16 th NBI), 50% VESPA, 25% MIRACLES, 6% NMX + Neutron Guide Bunker ( ~12-14 M € ) Unassigned SJK, 1 Feb 2016

8 NSS Project Management Neutron Instruments: Lead Scientist: Ken Andersen Lead Engineer: Gabor Laszlo In-Kind Office: Lead: Sara Ghatnekar-Nilsson Deputy: Michela Integration Activities: Vacant (one of the new engineers) Planning: Lead: Sofie Ossowski Deputy: Magnus Project Leader: Shane Kennedy Deputy Project Leader: Oliver Kirstein Safety and Licensing: Lead: Arno Hiess Deputy: Monika Hartl SSM application 2016 Monika SSM application 2016 Monika Safety Systems analysis and design Construction Sindra, Melissa, Paul Construction Sindra, Melissa, Paul Systems Eng. Peter Sångberg Systems Eng. Peter Sångberg Bunker Sara, Zvonko, Stuart… Bunker Sara, Zvonko, Stuart… Requirements & Standards Gabor Requirements & Standards Gabor Memoranda of Understanding Heads Of Agreements (& IKCA’s) Technical Annexes Director for Science Andreas Schreyer ESS Technical Board Chair: Roland Garoby Budgets & workflow Schedule Risk Management Sofie Risk Management Sofie Instrument Collaboration Board Chair: Andreas Schreyer C-SPEC (TUM) P Deen/ S Longeville J Guyone-le Bouffy C-SPEC (TUM) P Deen/ S Longeville J Guyone-le Bouffy T-REX (FZJ).. T-REX (FZJ).. BIFROST (DTU) N BechChristensen BIFROST (DTU) N BechChristensen MIRACLES (Bilbao?) H Bordallo/… MIRACLES (Bilbao?) H Bordallo/… VESPA(IT) D Colognesi VESPA(IT) D Colognesi NMX (ESS) E Oksanen G Aprigliano NMX (ESS) E Oksanen G Aprigliano HEIMDAL (ÅU) M Christensen/ P Henry HEIMDAL (ÅU) M Christensen/ P Henry MAGIC (LLB) X Fabréges MAGIC (LLB) X Fabréges DREAM (FRJ) W Schweika/.. DREAM (FRJ) W Schweika/.. LOKI (ISIS) A Jackson/R Heenan C Lopez/D Turner LOKI (ISIS) A Jackson/R Heenan C Lopez/D Turner FREIA (ISIS) H Wacklin/.. FREIA (ISIS) H Wacklin/.. SKADI (FRJ) S Jaksch SKADI (FRJ) S Jaksch ESTIA (PSI) S Schütz A Glavic ESTIA (PSI) S Schütz A Glavic ODIN (ESS-> TUM) M Strobl/.. ODIN (ESS-> TUM) M Strobl/.. BEER(HZG/NPI) J Fenkse BEER(HZG/NPI) J Fenkse

9 Deliverables Science case covering scientific relevance, impact and usage Conceptual design with credible estimates of performance Preliminary costing. Deliverables Science case covering scientific relevance, impact and usage Conceptual design with credible estimates of performance Preliminary costing. Proposal and Planning Instrument Proposal Phase 0 Preparation for Design Deliverables Conceptual design updates Prototyping Definition of facility requirements and interfaces Clarification of institutional responsibilitie s Resource planning Deliverables Conceptual design updates Prototyping Definition of facility requirements and interfaces Clarification of institutional responsibilitie s Resource planning Deliverables Scientific and technical requirements Technical design concept Delivery plan for all phases (including hot commissioning) Delivery Schedule covering all phases Resource plan Staging plan for later enhancements Budget with contingency at 10% of cost to complete Deliverables Scientific and technical requirements Technical design concept Delivery plan for all phases (including hot commissioning) Delivery Schedule covering all phases Resource plan Staging plan for later enhancements Budget with contingency at 10% of cost to complete Phase 1 Preliminary Design Design and Construction Phase 2 Detailed Design Phase 3 Manufacturing and Procurement Deliverables Complete definition of all major technical components Completion of detailed plan for Phase 3 Refined plan for phase 4 Refined Resource plan Refined delivery schedule, with critical path items and dependencies Refined budget with contingency at 10% of cost to complete Deliverables Complete definition of all major technical components Completion of detailed plan for Phase 3 Refined plan for phase 4 Refined Resource plan Refined delivery schedule, with critical path items and dependencies Refined budget with contingency at 10% of cost to complete Deliverables Procurement and manufacture of all major technical components Completion of detailed plan for phase 4 Site preparation Refined plans for phase 5 and for staging Refined Resource plan Refine instrument delivery schedule Maintain budget with contingency at 10% of cost to complete Deliverables Procurement and manufacture of all major technical components Completion of detailed plan for phase 4 Site preparation Refined plans for phase 5 and for staging Refined Resource plan Refine instrument delivery schedule Maintain budget with contingency at 10% of cost to complete Installation and Commissioning Phase 4 Installation and Integration Phase 5 Hot Commissioning Deliverables Construction of physical infrastructure on site. Assembly and installation of technical components Integration and testing of technical components Installation, integration and testing of Personnel Safety System Submission of application for approval to hot commission Formal project completion Deliverables Construction of physical infrastructure on site. Assembly and installation of technical components Integration and testing of technical components Installation, integration and testing of Personnel Safety System Submission of application for approval to hot commission Formal project completion Deliverables Verification of performance of Personnel Safety System Proof of compliance with radiation dose limits Critical performance demonstration of basic functionality Scientific performance demonstration Friendly user experiments Completion of technical and user manuals Deliverables Verification of performance of Personnel Safety System Proof of compliance with radiation dose limits Critical performance demonstration of basic functionality Scientific performance demonstration Friendly user experiments Completion of technical and user manuals Tollgate 1 STAP review SAC recommendation NSS recommendation STC approval Tollgate 2 (PDR) Preliminary Design Review STAP review NSS  scope review  assign cost book value  approval Tollgate 3 (CDR) Critical Design Review STAP review ICB review NSS approval Tollgate 4 (IRR) Installation Readiness Review ICB review NSS approval Tollgate 5 (SAR) Safety systems acceptance review NSS approval Tollgate 6 (ORR) Operations readiness review NSS approval NSS Project; Neutron Instrument project phases

Neutron Beam Instrument Schedule; S J Kennedy V1.4, 10 th Feb 2016 Notes; The order of completion here is still notional For discussion at ICB on 7 th March Preliminary Design Detailed Design Manufacturing & Procurement Installation & Integration Hot Commissioning Operation West sector North sector East and South sectors Current date Early Access D01/D03 Full Access D01/D03 Beam on Target 1 st Spectru m Start User Program ESS would like to start Hot Commissioning of the first Neutron Instrument here. Should it be 1 of the 16 or a test beam line?

Beam port allocation - methodology The Moderators will be of the “butterfly” design. – ESS , TC-12: ESS Optimization Priorities: 1Performance and operability for # Performance and operability for # Maximize possibility for further instruments by minimal blocking of un-allocated beam ports. Optimization considered mechanical interference of physical components –mostly upstream/in bunker & potential cross-talk (noisy neighbours). Initial layout with input from instrument teams, based on experience. Final layout used computational methods, testing all possible combinations Instrument baseline report sent to instrument teams in January 2016 (ESS ). 11 Some challenges have been received (e.g. DREAM, ESTIA) & are being evaluated

ODIN DREAM NMX MIRACLES BEER C-SPEC T-REX MAGIC BIFROST HEIMDAL FREIA LoKI SKADI VESPA ESTIA VORVOR 15 (+1) Neutron Instruments (2025) 50 m100 m 150 m The ESS Neutron Instruments Instrument Layout (Jan 2016) Proton beam ESS In-Kind Partners: designing & building most of the neutron instruments and collaborating on sample environment, data processing etc. NSS is seeking In-Kind Partners to collaborate on design and construction of the neutron guide bunker Total In-Kind potential for NSS Project = M€ HR-NSEHR-NSE

Developing a baseline for the Neutron Guide Bunker 13 Neutronics simulations have taken into account:  Dose levels outside the Bunker must be simulate < 1.5  Sv/h.  Floor loading in the Bunker: 30 tonnes/m 2  Floor loading in the experimental halls: 20 tonnes/m 2. Engineering design is ongoing to optimize on safety, performance & cost Bunker end wall, 3.5 m thick. Bunker roof, 2 m thick Monolith shield wall R = 15 m R = 28 m 6 m

Bunker plan view at Target Center System level 14 Ongoing work. Image w/o steel plates. Proton beam West South EastNorth Dilatation joint under construction

Neutronics calculations in the Neutron Bunker 15 Radiation dose in bunker at beam level (15 m sector) Radiation dose in bunker 25 cm above target center (15 m sector) Inner wall of bunker

Radiation dose through the Bunker wall 16 Optimization of the neutronics design of the Bunker is ongoing Lead Boronated-PE-Concrete Cast Iron

The Bunker and pillars 17

Base plate proposal 18 Ongoing work West North Proton beam R = 24.5 m R = 11.5 m

Bunker materials 19 Floor load limit: 30 tonnes/m 2 MaterialWeight (tons) Volume (m 3 ) Boronated-PE Concrete Cast Iron Lead32030 B4C73 Total≈15300≈3000 Cost baseline: 14.6 M€ Bunker roof

Immediate priorities for instrument construction teams 20 SJK, 8 Feb 2016 Actions instrument teams should take as soon as possible Formalize agreements for In Kind Delivery of Neutron Instruments  1 MoU per instrument, 1 Technical Annex per instrument (includes all partners) Recruit the Instrument Lead Scientist and Lead Engineer Start phase 1 instrument design Information we need from instrument teams as soon as possible Advise your initial estimates for moving between project phases Advise your initial estimates for readiness for STAP review, scope setting and TG2

Order of commencement of operation of first 8 instruments (August 2023) 21 Matching early success in delivery of scientific outputs with the capacity of Lead In-Kind partners to deliver on schedule. Instrument Class Sub-classCandidates Large Scale Structures Small Angle ScatteringLOKI (ISIS) or SKADI (FZJ) ReflectometryESTIA (PSI) or FREIA (ISIS) Diffraction Powder DiffractionDREAM (FZJ) or HEIMDAL (ÅU) Single crystal diffractionMAGIC (LLB) or NMX (ESS) Engineering Strain scanningBEER (HZG/NPI) Imaging and tomographyODIN (TUM/PSI) Spectroscopy Direct GeometryC-SPEC (TUM) or T-REX (FZJ) Indirect GeometryBIFROST (DTU), MIRACLES (Bilbao), VESPA (CNR) A personal view Select 1 of each of these pairs Select 2 or 3 of these Should 1 of these be early ? Both of these should be early

Questions for ICB (part 1 of 3) 22 SJK, 7 March 2016 When should we start Hot Commissioning of Neutron Instruments 1-16 ? ESS needs to demonstrate neutron production to access operations funding This is expected to occur in late 2019 The bunker must be complete & neutrons must be measured for this to happen Should we use a simple “test” beam line or schedule our first neutron instrument ? The first (8) neutron instruments should be operational by August What should they be and who should build them? How can NSS IK partners prioritize their instrument delivery for best outcome ? e.g. Can ISIS, FZJ, LLB, PSI, TUM, HZG/NPI each commit to prioritize for delivery of1 of the first 6 to ensure we achieve this objective? NSS will negotiate with Accelerator/Target projects to optimize neutron availability BASED on input from our IK partners

Questions for ICB (part 2 of 3) 23 SJK, 7 March 2016 Delivery of the Neutron guide bunker is on the critical path Early 2018Late 2018 Mid 2019 Late 2019 Start Manufacturing January 2017 Find IK partner for detailed design & manufacturing Mid 2016

Questions for ICB (part 3 of 3) 24 SJK, 7 March 2016 Delivery of the Neutron guide bunker is on the critical path Who will help NSS deliver the Neutron guide bunker ? Several of our IK partners have ~ 10 M € unassigned NSS scope (DE, ES, FR, IT, NO) Evaluation of possibilities with industrial sources in Czech Republic, France, Germany, Norway etc to be fast tracked. Should NSS levy all partners an amount (in proportion of M€) to establish a bunker fund ? Critical date for decision on bunker delivery - Mid 2016

Scope of NSS construction project 25 To build 16 neutron beam instruments together with a technical and scientific support infrastructure that enables scientific excellence and high quality scientific user service with reliable and sustainable operations. + D MS C InstrumentsSample EnvironmentScience Support Laboratories Analysis and Visualisation Software