Evaluation of genetic impact of aquaculture activities on native populations Terje Svåsand Institute of Marine Research, Norway International Symposium,


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Presentation transcript:

Evaluation of genetic impact of aquaculture activities on native populations Terje Svåsand Institute of Marine Research, Norway International Symposium, Bergen, Norway, 2-4 July 2007

FAO, 2007 Global capture and aquaculture production (Fish, crustacean and molluscs) million tonnes 47.9 million tonnes

Global capture and aquaculture production (Fish, crustacean and molluscs) 92.8 million tonnes in 2005 FAO, million tonnes in 2005

Global capture and aquaculture production (Fish, crustacean and molluscs) 92.8 million tonnes in million tonnes in 2027 Prognosis based on 3% yearly growth FAO, million tonnes in 2005

‘Policy Oriented Research’ SSP4 – Task 10 - Genetic impact on native populations. Policy context and objectives The genetic impact of aquaculture activities is an issue that has raised much concern among the general public. The main perceived risks are often associated with detrimental impacts on wild populations and the ecosystem through ecological interactions and interbreeding, posing a threat to the biodiversity. Public health issues are also matters of concern. There is a need to further strengthen the knowledge base required to assess the genetic impact of aquaculture on the environment, and to improve the dissemination of the current available information to the wider public. The objective is to integrate current knowledge of genetic impact of aquaculture, coordinate on-going projects in this area and identify future research needs.

Partner 1. Dr. Terje Svåsand, Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway, co-ordinator Partner 2. Dr. Donatella Crosetti, Istituto Centrale per la Ricerca scientifica e tecnologica Applicata al Mare (ICRAM), Italy. Partner 3. Dr. Eva García-Vázquez, Universidad de Oviedo (UOVE), Spain. Partner 4. Dr. Eric Verspoor, The Scottish Ministers acting through Fisheries Research Services, Marine Laboratory, (MARLAB), UK. Partner 5. Dr. Sylvie Lapègue, Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (IFREMER), France. Partner 6. Dr. Ingrid Olesen, Institute of Aquaculture Research AS (AKVAFORSK), Norway. Partner 7. Prof. Lorenzo Colombo, Università di Padova,(UNIPD), Italy. Partner 8. Dr. François Bonhomme,Université de Montpellier II (UM2), France. Partner 9: Prof. Gudrun Marteinsdottir, Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, (UoI), Iceland. Partner 10. Prof. Costas Triantaphyllidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece. Participant 11. Dr. René Guyomard, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA-CRJJ), France. Participant 12. Mr. Andrew Beaumont,University of Wales, Bangor (UWB), UK. Participant. Mr. Courtney Hough, Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP), France. Participant 14.Dr. Pierrick Haffray, European Forum for Farm Animal Breeding (EFFAB), The Netherlands Participant 15. Dr. Antonios Magoulas, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Greece. Participant 16. Dr. Þorleifur Ágústsson, Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories (IFL), Iceland Participant 17. Professor T. F. Cross, University College Cork-National University of Ireland, (UCC), Ireland. Participant 18. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Participant 19 (PT): University of South Bohemia, Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology (USB RIFCH), Vodnany, Czech Republic. Participant 20 (PT): Laboratory of Fish Genetics (LFG), Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (IAPG CAS), Libechov, Czech Republic Sixth Framework Programme Priority 8 ‘Policy Oriented Research’(SSP), Call four Proposal Full Title: Evaluation of genetic impact of aquaculture activities on native populations

[1] Genimpact was established in 2005 (1 Nov Oct. 2007) to review existing knowledge necessary to assess genetic effects of aquaculture on biodiversity, review future research needs, and disseminate this information to a wider public. Project web page: Evaluation of genetic impact of aquaculture activities on native populations (Genimpact)

To achieve this, Genimpact convened a series of expert workshops on risk assessment and interbreeding and aquaculture-ecosystem interactions: –1. Genetics of domestication, breeding and enhancement of performance of fish and shellfish. Viterbo,Italy, June 2006

Genetics of domestication, breeding and enhancement of performance of fish and shellfish. Viterbo,Italy, June 2006 WP 1(Resp. Donatella Crosetti, ICRAM)

To achieve this, Genimpact convened a series of expert workshops on risk assessment and interbreeding and aquaculture-ecosystem interactions: –1. Genetics of domestication, breeding and enhancement of performance of fish and shellfish. Viterbo,Italy, June 2006 –2. Monitoring tools for evaluation of genetic impact of aquaculture activities on wild populations, Tenerife, Spain, October 2006

Monitoring tools for evaluation of genetic impact of aquaculture activities on wild populations, Tenerife, Spain, October 2006 WP 2(Resp. Eva Garcia-Vasquez)

To achieve this, Genimpact convened a series of expert workshops on risk assessment and interbreeding and aquaculture-ecosystem interactions: –1. Genetics of domestication, breeding and enhancement of performance of fish and shellfish. Viterbo,Italy, June 2006 –2. Genetics of domestication, breeding and enhancement of performance of fish and shellfish. Viterbo,Italy, June 2006 –3. The use of modelling to assess the risk of genetic impacts on wild populations from escapes of cultured fish, Pitlochry, Scotland, UK 15 – 17 February 2007

The use of modelling to assess the risk of genetic impacts on wild populations from escapes of cultured fish, Pitlochry, Scotland, UK 15 – 17 February 2007 WP 3 (Resp. Eric Verspor)

Management workshopThessaloniki, Greece, April 19 th - 22 nd 2007 (Resp.: Costas Triantaphyllidis) The gaps in our current knowledge, and the suggested research needs, were discussed with stakeholder representatives. The discussion focused on : –Developing consensus statements on genetic impact of farming activities and its implications for aquaculture management, stock conservation and environmental safety. –Integrating the scientific basis for the establishment of preventive measures for important aquaculture species in Europe

Management workshopThessaloniki, Greece, April 19 th - 22 nd 2007 (Resp.: Costas Triantaphyllidis)

The outcome of management workshop will be detailed and made available for public discussion in an international symposium in Bergen Norway 2-4 July, 2007