Hemet CAN Goal: Is to reduce access and underage use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) through environmental strategies.
Hemet CAN Environmental Strategies: Focuses on changing aspects of the environment that contribute to ATOD use.
Hemet CAN Through laws, ordinances, and policy change Environmental Strategies look to create population level change with the idea that over time environmental factors influence behavior.
Hemet CAN Why? -Cost effective -Sustainable-Effective -Targets all demographics
Hemet CAN -Last August the coalition received a Drug Free Communities (DFC) Federal grant for $625,000 over a five year period. -Last August the coalition received a Drug Free Communities (DFC) Federal grant for $625,000 over a five year period. -First DFC grant ever awarded in Riverside County. -First DFC grant ever awarded in Riverside County.
Hemet CAN -Authorized by Congress to be housed out of the Executive Office of the President of the United States. -Authorized by Congress to be housed out of the Executive Office of the President of the United States. -Partners include: -Partners include:O.N.D.C.P.S.A.M.H.S.A.C.S.A.P.
Hemet CAN Sector requirements: -Parents-Business Community -Health Care-Civic/ Volunteer Group -Media-Law Enforcement -Schools-Religious Organizations -Youth-Youth Serving Organization -State, local, and/or tribal government agencies -Other substance abuse organization
Hemet CAN Logistics: Coalition meets the 3 rd Thursday of every month at City Hall We’re always looking for new coalition members!
Hemet CAN Example of a current project: - Family Pledge Social Host Ordinance
Hemet CAN Other tasks: -Collaborate with other coalitions -Data collection -Research ordinances -Support Hemet ROCS!
Contact info Michael Ramirez M.A. Project Coordinator of the Hemet CAN coalition Coordinator of Prevention Services MFI Recovery Center Office Cell