The Chinese Marketing Wang Xiaofeng Marketing group
Introduction n AIDs is endangering the whole world n HIVs total population million 1.3 billion (2000) million (2010) try to control –1.5 million (2010)
The three stage n sporadic cases n Yunnan province n 1994-now throughout China mostly by intravenous drug users HIVs-paid blood donors -sexually transmitted diseases -underground prostitutes
Sex distribution (1998) n Recorded people of HIVs n 81.9% male n 15.7% female n 2.4% gender not report
Age distribution
HIVs transmission route n 1.intravenous drug users 69.4% n 2.sexual transmission 6.6% n 3.Blood transfusion/blood products 0.3% n 4.Mother to child 0.1% n 5.Not certain 23.6%
Geographic distribution (main group) n Southwest, northwest---intravenous drug users n Center China--- migrant workers, paid blood donors n Southeastern coast, big cities--- sexually transmitted diseases,underground prostitutes
HIVs in China
Factors of HIVs rapid rise n Venereal disease n 100 million migrant workers n needles sharing n Underground prostitutes n contaminated blood products n poverty, poor training, low standards n others------homosexuality
HIVs virus types n 8 HIVs strains in China (1999) n Type B (47.5%)---drug users n Type E (9.6%) n Type C (34.3)---drug users n Type A,D,G--- Chinese worked in African n Type F---Guangdong province
HIVs treat n 96 local centers for monitoring n Medicine cost = 5 times salary n Chinese traditional medicine n non treat
HIVs research in China n AIDs vaccine n Traditional Chinese Medicine
International cooperation n AIDs education program with Australia n UN Mekong River Region States anti-AIDs plan n UNDP n UNESCO
Chinese strategy n Emphasize prevention n AIDs prevention Center established in1998 n Unsafe blood centers closed n NGOs mobilize n public awareness n AIDs education in high school
Conclusion n AIDs is not a simply public health problem, it is rather a complex social problem. n HIVs is still at low level of contagion. This is our last chance to beat the epidemic.