Master and PhD education at TUDelft Prof. Dr. Henk J. van Zuylen 汉克. 范少伦 教授 荷兰 德尔夫特理工大学 Study in Delft Calibration China-Netherland
2 SEU, October 2011 Delft University of Technology Stealing the fire from heaven, long ago
3 SEU, October 2011 Groningen Nijmegen Wageningen Utrecht Amsterdam Rotterdam Leiden Tilburg TU Eindhoven Maastricht Universities in the Netherlands TU Delft University Students ( ) Utrecht University Universiteit van Amsterdam University of Groningen Erasmus University Rotterdam Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University of Nijmegen Leiden University Delft University of Technology Universiteit Maastricht Tilburg University Technische Universiteit Eindhoven University of Twente Wageningen University U Twente
4 SEU, October 2011 Multidisciplinary design certificate B.Sc. TU Delft B.Sc. foreign Graduate study Post graduate study 3 Selected by admission committees years Doctorate Dissertation Scientific research 2424 Education: programmes Master of Science 2
5 SEU, October 2011 Master education 1.Master of Science program Transport and Planning (Civil Engineering) 2.Master of Science program Transport Infrastructure and Logistics TIL (more multidisciplinary 3 faculties) Two possible study programs No Dutch scholarships (apart from a few exceptions) Possible Chinese scholarships Costs: at least euro per year
6 SEU, October 2011 Belgium Germany United Kingdom Greece Italy Rest EU Norway Turkey Eastern Europe Other European countries Indonesia Iran China Other Asian countries USA Surinam Other American countries Marocco Other African countries Oceania Unknown Students of foreign nationality (2005)
7 SEU, October 2011 MSc Transport & Planning (Civil Engineering and GeoSciences)
8 SEU, October 2011 T&P fullprofessors Sanders Van Arem Hansen Hoogendoorn Wegman Transport Infrastructure Traffic modelling traffic control Spatial infrastructure Freight transport Transport planning Traffic safety Zuidwijk
9 SEU, October 2011 Infrastructure planning Impact assessment Infrastructure planning Planning: Policy, methods and institutions Transportation modelling Transportation and spatial modeling Advanced transport modelling and network design Public transport Public transport design and operation Rail traffic management and delay propagation Dynamic traffic management Traffic flow theory and simulation Road traffic control ITS for dynamic road traffic management Examples Courses from the 4 fields of Transport & Planning
10 SEU, October 2011 Program Transport & Planning Core Courses (4 fields) (43 ECTS) Electives (in-depth and broadening) (13 ECTS) Supplied by T&P: 30 ECTS Free Electives Two out of four (2*11 ECTS) Project, external project, special group with electives, minor MSc-Final Thesis (42 ECTS)
Technology, Policy & Management, Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Mechanical, Marine & Material Engineering Inter-faculty Master of Science Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics
12 SEU, October 2011 Faculty Areas Networks Decision Making Processes Nodes Multi-actor processes Supply Chains Logistics Transport Systems Traffic Science Control Transport
13 SEU, October 2011 Possible joint masters program (Approximately) 1 Year masters courses in China 15 months Delft: 9 months courses from normal program 6 months masters research project (at consultant, min. of Transport) Master of Science degree from TUDelft Optional: back to China for Chinese MSc
14 SEU, October 2011 PhD positions Nearly all project based Finance from contracts with Dutch Science Foundation, external parties (Ministry of Transport, TNO, Port of Rotterdam etc.) Four year contract
15 SEU, October 2011 Education All PhD candidates are member of TRAIL reseach School TRAIL has members from 5 Dutch universities TRAIL is multi disciplinary TRAIL organized training courses TRAIL supervises the PhD process
16 SEU, October 2011 Thesis Have to be completed in 4 years Printed as a book To be approved by an international commission Defended in an academic meeting Afterwards the candidate gets her/his diploma directly
17 SEU, October 2011
18 SEU, October 2011 Questions?