Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer All sound clips and studio images are from Jeopardy’s web site at
Jeopardy The Imperative Les VerbesLe VocabulaireLa CultureLe Potpourri FINAL
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer The Imperative 100 What is Va au centre commercial! What is equivalent for Go (you sing.) to the mall!
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer The Imperative 200 What is the equivalent for Finish (you pl) your homework! What is Finissez vos devoirs!
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer The Imperative 300 What is the French equivalent for Don’t (you sing.) do that! What is Ne fais pas ça!
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer The Imperative 400 What is the French equivalent for Let’s (us) study! What is É tudions!
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer The Imperative 500 What is the French equivalent for Eat (you pl.) breakfast! What is Prenez le petit d é jeuner!
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Les Verbes 100 What is French equivalent of I take the bus to school. What is Je prends le bus à l ’é cole.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Les Verbes 200 What is French equivalent of We are setting the table. What is Nous mettons la table.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Les Verbes 300 What is is French equivalent of They are taking an airplane. What is Ils prennent un avion.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Les Verbes 400 What is is French equivalent of I put the milk in the refrigerator. What is Je mets le lait dans le frigo.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Les Verbes 500 What is the French equivalent of He puts the tablecloth on the table. What is Il met la nappe sur la table.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Le Vocabulaire 100 Identify the following: What is un lit.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Le Vocabulaire 200 Identify the following: What is une assiette.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Le Vocabulaire 300 Identify the following: What is une fourchette.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Le Vocabulaire 400 Identify the following: What is un grenier.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Le Vocabulaire 500 Identify the following: What is une voiture.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer La Culture 100 Where do French people put their clothing? What is in une armoire.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer La Culture 200 What is the word for the bathroom/toilet in French? What is les toilettes or les W.C.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer DAILY DOUBLE La Culture What kind of flowers should you NOT give as a hostess gift? What are chrysanthemums.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer La Culture 400 How do the French place their silverware on the table? What is la fourchette à gauche de l ’ assiette, le couteau à droite de l ’ assiettte et la cuill è re au-dessus de l ’ assiette.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer La Culture 500 What is “le plat principal”? What is the main course.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Le Potpourri 100 Choose between de or des. Les Martin ont _____ nouveax fauteuils dans le salon. What is de.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Le Potpourri 200 What is the ground floor (our first floor) called in French? What is le rez-de-chauss é e.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Le Potpourri 300 This is the word for “afternoon snack.” What is le go û ter.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Le Potpourri 400 Choose between de or des. Paul et Marc portent ____ anoraks verts. What is des.
Template created by Theresa MeyerTheresa Meyer Le Potpourri 500 This is the word for snack food. What is chips or ap é ros.
What is the French word for “suburbs”? What is la banlieue. FINAL JEOPARDY!