This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n° Improving Weather Information Management in East Africa for effective service provision through the application of suitable ICTs WiMEA-ICT Amos Nungu Dar Es Salaam Institute of Technology, Tanzania
2 Outline Project Consortium Project Goals Project Activities Serengeti Broadband Network
3 Project Consortium Funding: Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) under the NORHED (Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development) schemeNorad NORHED Research partners: o Makerere University, Uganda (project leader) o Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology, Tanzania o University of Juba, South Sudan o University of Bergen, Norway Key stakeholders: o Uganda National Meteorology Authority, Uganda o Tanzania Meteorology Agency, Tanzania o South Sudan Meteorology Service, South Sudan
4 Project Goal and Components The project aims to improve the accuracy of, and access to weather information by the communities in the East African region through suitable ICTs for increased productivity and safety. The project has five components
5 Project Goal in Graphical Representation Weather Data Repositories Climate Modeling &Weather Prediction Presentation and Dissemination to ALL stakeholders Low-cost Automatic Weather Station Modernize the Weather/Climate Forecast
6 Project Main Activities Improving the density of the weather station network in the region o development of a low-cost automatic weather station with data transmission to a central server (max USD/unit) o deployment of ca. 70 units in the 3 countries Digitizing manual weather records to create reliable data respositories. Establishing operational Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models in the three countries based on WRF Improving/automating decentralized weather information dissemination systems for different stakeholder groups Capacity building through research and teaching: o 8 (was 5) PhD projects o 12 (was 20) MSc scolarships o BSc. MSc & PhD curriculum revision o training of technical personal (instrumentation and modelling)
7 The First Automatic Weather Station Prototype Installed at Bergen University - Norway
8 Serengeti Broadband Network (SBN) – a Testbed in Tanzania About 70km fiber link connecting 2 District Capitals of Serengeti and Bunda Initially funded by SIDA between 2006 – 2009 Different supports in-between from various actors About 50km wireless Link from Bunda town towards Lake Victoria UNDP funded (through the local government) Mast building and logistics, also the establishment of Agriculture Information Centers FOKUS donated the Wireless equipment (WiBACK) and experts KTH and DIT provided manpower and experts With respect to Sci-GaIA SBN is regarded as a CoP for Weather or Agriculture District “Living Lab” to practice “Integrated Local Planning” Data repositories aspect
9 Experimental site to install the Automatic Weather Stations Serengeti Broadband Network Tanzania
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