a2ru Breakout Session: Models for Interdisciplinary and Interdepartmental Collaboration Friday, Nov 7 | 1:45-2:30pm U NIVERSITY OF W ISCONSIN -M ADISON
H ISTORY OF A RTS AT UW-M ADISON Arts Consortium Arts Institute (Center) Arts Institute (Division)
N EW W ORLD, F UTURE I NITIATIVES Art & Interdisciplinarity Art & Business Art & Science, Medicine, Technology Art & Building Bridges to the Future
I NTERDISCIPLINARY A RTS R ESIDENCY P ROGRAM Interdisciplinary Arts Residency Program
I NTERDISCIPLINARY A RTS R ESIDENCY P ROGRAM Semester-long residencies with course and public events Host department handles appointment, course administration At least two cosponsoring departments or units Arts Institute provides residency planning, marketing, event management
I NTERDISCIPLINARY A RTS R ESIDENCY P ROGRAM Average residency – Approx. $80,000 – Provost’s Office funding for Cluster Hires – Covers: Artist salary & benefits Planning visit Public events and course costs Guests Marketing and documentation
7 Arts Business Initiative (ABI) is an idea that extends the reach and impact of the Bolz Center for Arts Administration by connecting arts, entrepreneurship and leadership across the campus with a number of constituent groups: Developing and delivering coursework in arts and business— that leads to a Certificate in Entrepreneurship co-curricular and applied learning opportunities— Project Assistantships, consulting projects, The Studio Living and Learning community, Arts Enterprise Club, Nonprofit Board Leadership, COMPASS and CATALYST leadership and research opportunities— Creativity faculty, AB Research Symposium, PAVE program partnership and the Beauty Experiment.
Why, you ask? Well, you already know aesthetics matter in the design of products, processes, and consumer experiences; so that’s one decent reason. And you don’t learn about your personal aesthetic from a book. So this class gives you the opportunity to learn and talk about aesthetics, have a range of aesthetic experiences—and document it all in a portfolio. Aesthetics also matter for those interested in social responsibility or entrepreneurship. Beauty is disruptive: it shifts focus from ourselves to things bigger than ourselves. You’ll learn to see the world differently. And you’ll learn about the artist at the heart of the entrepreneur--the one who disrupts the status quo in order to create something better for the world. A NEW COURSE ON BEAUTY IS BEING OFFERED THROUGH THE BUSINESS SCHOOL SPRING 2015? YEP.
Improvisation Distilling the Message Media Training Communicating Science
Entertainment and Digital Technology
T HE IMAGE L AB The Image Lab
G AMES, L EARNING, AND S OCIETY (GLS) Games, Learning, and Society (GLS)