SSWH10 Age of Discovery and Expansion into the: AMERICA ASIA AFRICA
1. Explorers & Conquistadors – Zheng He – Vasco da Gama – Christopher Columbus – Ferdinand Magellan – James Cook – Samuel de Champlain 2. Columbian Exchange – economic impact – cultural impact 3. improved technology – astrolabe
Zheng He During the MING DYNASTY, China wanted to expand China’s TRIBUTE system. Everything about the voyages were big. – 7 Voyages; lasting from – Ships were up to 400 feet long – Traveled SE Asia to Africa – ships – Up to 27,000 people per voyage
Vasco da Gama A Portuguese Explorer Given credit for sailing around Africa, & making it to INDIA He sailed 27,000 miles & their cargo ended up being worth 60 times the cost of the voyage.
Christopher Columbus Sailed for SPAIN in 1492 Boats Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria Where was he trying to go? – East Indies Where did he end up? – West Indies; Carribean
Ferdinand Magellan With 250 and 5 boats he sailed around South America – Philippines – Magellan was killed. His crew sailed around the world. Started in 1519 ended in men and 1 ship made it.
James Cook A British Sea captain Claimed NEW ZEALAND in 1769, & AUSTRALIA in 1770 In Australia he discovered the ABORIGINES = the longest ongoing culture in the world Australia became a PENAL COLONY in 1788.
Samuel de Champlain A FRENCH explorer Sailed up the St. Lawrence River Founded Quebec – Became the base for France’s colonial empire called NEW FRANCE
COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE – The global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas. Probably the most important items to travel from Americas to the rest of the world were CORN and POTATOS. Why? Inexpensive and Nutritious Traffic across the ATLANTIC did not flow in 1 direction. Not all exchanges were good DISEASES were also exchanged.
Columbian Exchange IMPACTS CULTURAL impacts: – Diseases such as smallpox, measles, influenza, typhus, malaria, and others. ECONOMIC impacts – Rise of Capitalism= economic system based on private ownership – Rise of MERCANTILISM=economic system based on the belief that a countries POWER comes from its WEALTH – Joint Stock Companies = investors buying shares of stock in a company
Improved Technology ASTROLAB = Sailors used it to measure the height of the sun or a star above the horizon. They could then determine both the time of day and the latitude where they were located.
ZHENG HE What Chinese explorer went to SE Asia and Africa?
Vasco Da Gama Who is given credit for sailing around Africa, & making it to INDIA?
Columbus He thought he had land in the East Indies, but he was wrong he had land in the West Indies?
Ferdinand Magellan His crew sailed around the world.
James Cook He claimed NEW ZEALAND in 1769, & AUSTRALIA in 1770 for England.
Samuel de Champlain He sailed from France and up the St. Lawrence River, which helped found Quebec.
Columbian Exchange – The global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas.
technology Fill in the blank: Improved __________ encouraged explorers to sail to new places throughout our world.
ASTROLABE Sailors used it to measure the height of the sun or a star above the horizon. They could then determine both the time of day and the latitude where they were located.