State Media and Movement The feminist fight for free abortion and contraception in the France of Pompidou Bibia Pavard
I- The sisterhood utopia 1)Contraception and abortion in the France of Pompidou New contraception legislation in 1967: « loi Neuwirth », but restricted Abortion strictly prohibited Claim for the liberalization of the abortion law for therapeutic reasons
2) The birth of a women’s liberation movement and a new framing for the abortion issue Paris, August 26th 1970, Champs Elysées (Anonymous photograph)
The 343 Manifesto
The Bobigny Trials 1972
II- The « Change here and now » utopia 1)The Karman method revolution Groupe information santé, Oui nous avortons!, 1973
2) Utopia at the end of a cannula Extrait du magazine Marie Claire, octobre 1974
Conclusion: The State reform, the end of utopia?