IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 18/01/2016 EMODnet 3 calls
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 2 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : What? EMODnet : How? EMODnet : Current situation and new calls Bathymetry Geology Habitats Chemistry Biology Physics Human activities
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 3 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : High Level Aims
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 4 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Vision Target for 2020 Seamless multi-resolution digital seabed map of European waters by 2020 Highest resolution possible in areas that have been surveyed; Topography, geology, habitats and ecosystems; Accompanied by timely information on Physical, chemical and biological state of the overlying water column Oceanographic forecasts; Easily accessible, interoperable and free of restrictions on use.
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 5 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : How? Phase 1 – limited sea basins Phase 2 – low resolution all basins Phase 3 - multi-resolution 6 regional checkpoints Central Portal 7+1 thematic portals Secretariat
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 6 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : How? Call for tenders published by DG MARE/EASME MARE/2008/03 : Hydrography (975k€) – Geology (925k€) – Chemistry (700k€) – Biology (850k€) … MARE/2009/07 : Seabed Mapping (975k€) … MARE/2012/10 : Bathymetry (2M€) – Geology (4,2M€) – Habitats (1,4M€) – Chemistry (4M€) - Biology (1,7M€) – Physics (1M€) - Human activities (2.1M€) … MARE/2014/10 : Coastal Mapping (1,3M€) EMODnet phase 1 : 59 organisations – 6.45M€ EMODnet phase 2 : 120 organisations – 16.3M€
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 7 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : How? Call for tenders published by DG MARE/EASME EMODnet phase 3 : 5.1M€ (bathy) M€ (others) Bathymetry : Initially planned in June 2015, then in December 2015, still waiting for… Budget : 5.1M€ (DG MARE workplan 2015) Other thematics : Geology – Habitats – Chemistry - Biology – Physics - Human activities (+ Secretariat) Initially planned in January 2016 Budget : 13.77M€ (DG MARE workplan 2016)
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 8 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Bathymetry (MARIS) Overview and access to bathymetric survey data Free access to a medium resolution Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for all European seas Data (single beam, multibeam, plummets, LIDAR,..) from national hydrographic services, marine research institutes and industry SeaDataNet Discovery and Access service for survey data sets Bathymetry Viewer and Download service
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 9 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Bathymetry (MARIS) > surveys indexed DTM for all European seas at 1/8*1/8 arc minutes (~230 m) DTM uses > survey data sets and composite DTMs from 31 data providers from 18 countries and GEBCO_2015 DTM contains data points ( rows x columns) 3 high resolution coastal areas Latest release: 8 Sept 2015
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 10 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Bathymetry – next call Extract from the DG MARE 2015 work programme : To provide access to the underlying survey data To construct DTMs at the capture resolution To make the DTMs freely available
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 11 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Geology (BGS) Portal provides access to information primarily held by national geological surveys of 30 European countries: harmonised sea-bed substrate and bedrock geology at 1:250,000 scale where available; 1:1 million scale in other areas Information on coastal behaviour (migration; erosion; accretion; resilience/vulnerability); Locations of earthquake activity, volcanoes, submarine landslides. Links to updated sources of information using WMS; Mineral localities; oil and gasfields; aggregate resources. Seabed substrate Coastal behaviour Minerals
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 12 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Geology Extract from the DG MARE 2016 work programme : To maintain the operational service To add new survey data when available To move to higher resolution when the underlying data permit it
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 13 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Habitats (Ifremer) Access to habitat maps and habitat samples from surveys expressed in EUNIS (the EU nature information system) Access to a pan-European broad- scale EUNIS habitat map – EUSeaMap Access to map confidence Viewing and download services
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 14 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Habitats Extract from the DG MARE 2016 work programme : To improve and maintain the present service To check correlations between physical habitats and biological ecosystem To adjust classification to cover unique Black Sea habitats
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 15 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Chemistry (OGS) Involves 46 institutes Covers all European waters Aims to collect, standardize, check the quality of data developing new services to share and visualize information and products Data harvesting and products generation are organized at Regional level Single Data Discovery and Access interface for all the sources
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 16 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Chemistry Extract from the DG MARE 2016 work programme : To maintain effort on nutrients and pollutants To do new effort on marine litter and acidification To improve collaboration with Regional Sea Conventions (OSPAR, HELCOM)
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 17 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Biology (VLIZ) Access to data on temporal and spatial distribution of marine species and species traits from several species groups from European seas. Trophic groups: phyto & zooplankon, algae, seagrasses, benthos, fish, reptiles, birds, mammals, Main components WoRMS EurOBIS-OBIS
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 18 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Biology Extract from the DG MARE 2016 work programme : To improve searches for specific products (by surveys) To develop products that meets the Marine Directive To expend coverage by connecting with other biological data resources
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 19 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Physics (ETT) Single point for free and open access, to discover, access, and download marine real-time and archived data on Physical parameters of European Seas Strong collaboration with Copernicus, SeaDataNet and EuroGOOS Harmonization and standardization 12/10/2015 platformsLatest 60 days drifting bouys (DB) Ferrybox + Icebreaker (FB)2211 gliders (GL)174 fixed buoys or mooring time series (MO) profiling floats vertical profiles (PF) Argo Floats (AR) HF Radar (HF)11 TOTAL
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 20 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Physics Extract from the DG MARE 2016 work programme : To improve connections between platforms (for Big Data Streams like HF radar) To automate the connection to NODCs Strongly linked to Seadatanet 3!
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 21 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Human activities (COGEA) Aims to become the main entry point for spatial data in marine and maritime activities Collate existing information, harmonize it and make it available under interoperable formats
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 22 / 23 18/01/2016 EMODnet : Human activities Extract from the DG MARE 2016 work programme : To take into account recommendations from stakeholders, providers and data users To take into account feedback from the checkpoints and the MSP Expert Group
IENWG4 - EMODnet 3 calls 23 / 23 18/01/2016 Thank you!