EGI TF meeting 14th September EGI TF Jean-François Perrin - / Presentation John White -
ILL in short European Neutron facility 40 instruments 1500 experiments / year 6000 users Low volume of experimental data : 20TB since th September EGI TF Jean-François Perrin - / Presentation John White -
Our users 1/2 They come from different fields : condensed matter physics, chemistry, biology, nuclear physics, materials science,... Most of them come from labs or universities Most of them come from European countries 14th September EGI TF Jean-François Perrin - / Presentation John White - They use National and European neutron facilities They also often use complementary techniques 15% of our users are also ESRF (X-Ray) users
Our users 2/2 Most of them are working in small groups and do not benefit from dedicated IT support. They are not IT experts In order to obtain allocated beam time, users need to submit scientific proposals (2 deadlines/year). They submit them at the last minute (like we all do ?) 14th September EGI TF Jean-François Perrin - / Presentation John White -
The needs : simple 1/2 We want to provide federated services (across facilities) We need a federated authentication We want to simplify the registration burden Mechanism for shipment of users’ attributes (name / first name / lab address / date of birth /…) The usability for the users is a key point. 14th September EGI TF Jean-François Perrin - / Presentation John White -
The needs : our dream 2/2 The Authentication mechanism should provide solution for Web based app, but also for network connection and workstation access. The protocol/mechanism should be (easily) implemented in commercial and open source software. Visio conference tools, document management system, wikis,... Need for sustainability and mainstream too many implementations did not fully succeeded over the years. 14th September EGI TF Jean-François Perrin - / Presentation John White -
View on architecture. Authentication control should be provided either at the home labs level either at the level of an EU central agency. Authorization and Accounting should be done at the service provider side. 14th September EGI TF Jean-François Perrin - / Presentation John White -
Thanks. We don’t need competition on such subject, we need collaboration. 14th September EGI TF Jean-François Perrin - / Presentation John White -