Vocabulary Lesson 5 Spelling Lesson 5
accessory n. something added for looks or convenience; equipment; one who knowingly aids in a crime Her scarf was a nice accessory to her outfit.
badger n. a small burrowing animal with short legs and long claws; v. to pester; to nag She would badger her parents until they agreed to her wishes.
calculation n. the process of using mathematics; careful thinking or planning; an estimate A certain amount of planning and calculation went into all of her actions.
complement n. that which completes; number needed to complete; a complete set; v. to complete; to add to She always made sure that her accessories were the perfect complement to her attire.
convert v. to change; to change or persuade someone to change to a new belief; n. one who has changed, as to a religion He tried to convert her beliefs to be the same as his.
customary adj. according to custom; habitual; usual It wasn’t customary to wait 30 minutes at the restaurant that they always went to.
gallery n. a long passageway; the cheapest seats in a theater; a place where paintings are displayed Her painting was so impressive, that they hung it in the art gallery.
intervene v. to come between in order to change a situation; to occur between It is my job to intervene if you begin to misbehave.
valor n. boldness; courage; bravery The one who responded with greatest valor would win.
vitality n. energy; exuberance; vigor It is important to protect and enhance the vitality and viability of existing malls.
Spelling Words breath finally bazaar antidote conscious excess feudal conscience bizarre finely breadth persecuted futile access anecdote prosecuted