My Own Course Online Or “Why should I go digital?”
Current BPACE Online Courses
Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free open-source learning management system or e-Learning platform, that serves educators and learners across the globe. It is the most widely used LMS in the world and currently has ● over 68 million users world-wide (and growing!) What is Moodle?
TopicsHelps to the teacher Writing Pathway to Career Success 1. Writing Basics 2. Writing Process 3. Purpose/Audience (Memos) 4. Informative Text (Soft Skills) 5. Persuasive Text (Job Success) 6. Research Skills (Job Search) 7. Write a Resume 8. Write a Cover Letter 9. Create a Presentation 10. Writing Mechanics
Format Quick Writes Study Material Assignment Evaluation Language Arts Writing Resources Reflections
● A Place to Gather Your Class Stuff ◦ your class documents Syllabus Schedule Handouts New! google form to gather student information ◦ your notes PowerPoints or Slides Video casting or other Screencasts of lectures Why use an online course?
● Students can see it again and again They can make up lectures ● Repeat classes ◦ Videos of tasks—make mini videos –don’t have equipment? use your Smartphone! Math: how to get a common denominator Culinary: how to make a sauce Cosmetology: hair dyeing 101 YouTube of a useful skill for your class topic “You—multiplied”
◦ Online lessons with questions graded by Moodle ◦ Quizzes graded by Moodle ◦ Glossary of Terminology ◦ Online discussion, collaboration Moodle can help you
● If a student is absent… ● Helps you stay organized: ● If you are absent: Students can stay on schedule. Material in one place for the sub. ● Can improve your course with online resources ● Helps the student: different learning styles, own pace, slower student ● Repeat the material whenever, wherever ● Course will grow over time, getting better and better ● 21 st Century Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking Upside
1. A lot of work to set up 1. Gather materials 2. Upload materials 3. Formatting (change the look) 2. Maintenance ◦ If using a YouTube or website link—may disappear ◦ If using a website, they may change the material completely ◦ Copyright ◦ Upgrades may change the appearance And the downside is…
● Your current reality: ● students need more of ‘you’ all the time ● state/fed requirements—pressured for results you need more outcomes ● Adding an online presence would ◦ create a better class ◦ more successful students and ◦ eventually less work for you In the balance
● Get an already created course(free) and modify it ◦ dump what you don’t want ◦ hide what you might want to use later ◦ add your own materials ● Get a free shell and create the course from scratch ● Remember there is help. OTAN, other mentors, me Give it a try How to do it?—2 ways
● Get an account at ● Look at the sample courses: ◦ OTAN Developed Courses ◦ OTAN Other Shared Courses ◦ Baldwin Park Adult and Community Education Enrollment key = bpace ● Contract OTAN for a shell or course ● If I can help: subject line Moodle ◦ LET’S GET STARTED! Today: