Chapter 22 Section 2 US HIS Mr. Love Game Day
The Depression Worsens By 1933, thousands of banks have closed and millions of Americans are unemployed. Unemployed workers often stood in ___ ___ to receive free food. Bread lines They also went to ___ ___where private charities gave a free meal to the poor. Soup kitchens
The Depression Worsens Americans unable to pay their ________, or rent lost their homes. Mortgages Those unable or unwilling to move had a court- ordered eviction notice delivered by a court officer or _________ who forced nonpaying tenants out onto the street. baliff
The Depression Worsens Many of the homeless built shacks in ______. Shantytowns These towns were nicknamed “__________” because they blamed the president for their financial trouble. Hoovervilles
The Depression Worsens _________, or homeless Americans who wondered around hitching rides on RR cars, searched for work and a better life. Hobos As crop prices dropped in the 1920’s, many American farmers left their fields uncultivated. A terrible drought in the Great Plains along with an enormous erosion problem, beginning in 1932, caused the region to become a “_______ ________”. Dust Bowl
The Depression Worsens Due to this catastrophe, many from the Great Plains moved to __________ hoping to find a better life but most still faced poverty and homlessness. California
Escaping the Depression How did Americans escape the hardships of the Depression? Movies and radio programs What did a lot of these stories focus on? Triumph over Adversity ___ ___ produced the first feature length animated film. Walt Disney
Escaping the Depression The film was called ______, in Snow White and the 7 Dwarves. Melodramas, called _______ _______, became very popular with housewives. They received this name because the makers of laundry soaps often sponsored them. Soap Operas
The Depression in Art Homeless and unemployed were the subjects of art and literature during the ______’s. (decade) 1930’s These two artists, _____ and ______emphasized traditional American values in their art. (one answer for each team) Thomas Hart Benton and Grant Wood
The Depression in Art _____________ wrote the Grapes of Wrath in 1939 which told the story of Oklahoma family fleeing the Dust Bowl to California. John Steinbeck Another novelist, ____________ ___________ exposed hidden attitudes of Southern whites and African Americans in a fictional Mississippi county. William Faulkner