Analytics for Affiliates A4uexpo, London 2010 Tom Critchlow
Information Overload
Pinpoint Actions
Measure Cash
Async Code FTW Faster overall page load time. Improved collection for short visits to rich media or script-heavy pages. Collecting (and retaining) user clicks that occur before the tracking code loads
Old Code Costs $$$$$ wrong-tracking-code-can-cost-you.html
Diagnosing Setup Issues 1.Check for referrers from your own domain 2.
Group Goals By Action
Campaign Tracking
Advanced Setup
Custom Variables NOTE: Because the variables are sent in the __utm.gif request, they must be set before _trackPageview() or before an event is fired on a page.
Custom Variables
Visitor Level Custom Variables You would likely set this custom variable as a one-time function, since the value would persist across the life of the visitor cookie. Membership level Previous Customer
Session Level Custom Variables Use session-level custom variables to distinguish different visitor experiences across sessions. For example, if your website offer users the ability to login, you can use a custom variable scoped to the session level for user login status
Page Level Custom Variables Use page-level custom variables to define a collection of page-level activities by your users. For example, you might have sections such as Life & Style, Opinion, and Business. You could set a custom variable to track all your articles by section
Tracking # of Reviews _gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 1, // This custom var is set to slot #1. ‘Number of Reviews', // The top level name for the variable ‘1', // The Number of Reviews 3 // Page level variable ]);
Rank Checking ranking-in-google-analytics-with-custom- variables google-analytics/
Track Load Time times-with-google-analytics-asynchronous-script/
Hack the code Basic steps Include external.js file Add call to js function Start pulling out data
4 new Custom Variables 64 characters total Including variable names l = original landing page s = original landing page query string r = original referrer q = original search query
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SU BSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBS TITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTI TUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITU TE(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"%2F","/"), "%2C", ","), "%3F", "?"), "%3A", ":"), "%40", "%26", "&"), "%3D", "="), "%2B", "+"), "%24", "$"), "%23", "#")
Show Me The Money
Track Form Drop Offs With Jquery optimisation/using-jquery-and-google- analytics-events-to-track-form-abandonment/
Funnels Are Important Setup funnels correctly Monitor them regularly Look for biggest gaps Monitor where people go
Segment Your Funnels can-cost-you.html
A/B Testing Adsense -to-test-adsense-in-google-website-optimiser- analytics/
Ecommerce Tracking
Full Ecommerce Suite
Insights & Analysis
Weighted Sort is Awesome Pro Tip – Works with conversion rate too!
Segments Are Awesome
Set up suite of segments Keep the numbers small and manageable. Report on each segment separately. Look for insights Examples: Social media traffic (reddit|stumble|twitter|facebook) Partners (partner1|partner2) Organic Etc
“Small Multiple”
Regex is Awesome Number of spaces: ^([^ ]+ ){5,50}[^ ]+$ Number of folders: ^/([^/]+/){1}[^/]*$ Expressions-Google-Analytics.pdf
You Can Paste Regex Into GA
Monitor 404 Pages
For Affiliates
Custom variables (e.g. For author of post) Ecommerce integration Event tracking for downloads/outbound clicks
Mailchimp Integration
Worried About Traffic?
Diagnosing Traffic Drops Check traffic sources Check uptime Check rankings Check server logs for errors Check errors in Google Webmaster Tools Check specific section/page drops (segment!) Browse as Googlebot Check robots.txt Check rel canonical Check meta robots
Resources ustomVariables.html ustomVariables.html optimisation/using-jquery-and-google-analytics-events-to-track- form-abandonment/ optimisation/using-jquery-and-google-analytics-events-to-track- form-abandonment/ Google-Analytics.pdf Google-Analytics.pdf 0/ 0/
Head of Search Marketing > > Distilled > London based part time SEO geek, part time ninja with a healthy interest in poker, chess and music.