Ch. 15 By: Nick Boring and Malene Mikkelsen
Why use the internet? Medium that provides direct feedback Increased high speed internet connections Let to an increase in time spent online Technologies allow for tracking interests and purchase behaviors Increased ability to reach potential consumers
Advertising on the Internet Banners- Create awareness or recognition Sponsorships Regular- Pays for section of site Content- Sponsor participates in content Pop-ups/Pop-Unders Paid Search Rich Media
Pros Target Marketing Message Tailoring Interactive Capabilities Information Access Sales Potential Creativity Exposure/Speed
Cons Measurement Problems Clutter Potential For Deception Privacy Irritation
Audience Effectiveness Measures of effectiveness Recall and Retention Surveys- both online and in person Sales Tracking ○ Brand Awareness ○ Message association ROI
Examples Google Chrome-Jess Time V8nfU V8nfU United Breaks Guitars Oqozo Oqozo