By: Brina wiki/File:Yugoslav_Partis ans_flag_1945.svg
In 1969 my mother moved to America from Italy but before she came to Italy she lived in Yugoslavia. e:Coat_of_arms_of_the_Kingdo m_of_Yugoslavia.svg mer_Yugoslavia_M ap.png When my grandma was still a little girl her dad was in world war II but he was killed by a Nazi. So my grandma didn't grow up with her father.
Mostar Bookmark this member Invite this member to be a friend akoene100 akoene100 (Premium member) > albums > Former YugoslaviaalbumsFormer Yugoslavia h ttp:// to/ UQ JELO UQJELOb UQJELO eattractions/tp/rome-photos.htm In 1967 my mom moved to Rome Italy. My grandparents wanted to come to America. Finally in 1969 they were able to come to Detroit.
My moms family is from Former Yugoslavia They moved to America in
When my mom and her parents moved to Michigan my mom did not like it here at all. Clip art
When my mom moved to Michigan it was a big change for her and her family. They did not speak English at all. Clip art
When my mom was living in Michigan she had to learn how to cook and get to school by her self. Clip art
The kids that went to school with my mom were not very nice to her and she had a hard time fitting in. Clip art
It didn't take long for my mom to learn English and after year my grandparents bought a house and things for my mom and her family got a little better. Clip art
My grandfather’s first job was a factory job but he later learned English and went back to school and went into engineering of heating and cooling. After many years my grandfather got lots of awards for his trade from the State of Michigan and taught college. My grandparents had a much better life in Michigan then in Former Yugoslavia. m/index.ssf/2011/11/northampton_comm unity_college_24.html