Mrs. Kunde
Rules of the Computer Lab: Wipe off hands well before entering lab with hand cleaner. Do Not turn the computer on/off unless instructed to do so! No other programs may be brought in and used on the school’s computers, as this is how computer viruses are spread. Respect the equipment --You break, you buy!! Books shall remain on the table or stand while in use -- not on your lap. No Internet/ use during classtime -- may result in loss of your account. Do NOT give anyone your password – not even your best friend! Always close out of all programs and log-off at the end of class. Keep your work area neat--Clean up at the end of class. NO FOOD OR BEVEAGE IN COMPUTER LABS
Follow along and listen when teacher is lecturing and giving instructions Sign out sheet is on the teacher desk – need to ask for permission first – not during a lecture Assignments are posted on the webpage No cheating…cheating will result in a zero for all involved. ndejul/index.htm. ndejul/index.htm.
Internet – how it works/safety/research Improve Keyboarding skills Microsoft Word Intro to Document Formatting Microsoft Publisher Web 2.0 tools Research tools – Atomic Learning Microsoft PowerPoint Multi-media Microsoft Draw and Paint
Log on with your username and password ◦ Username is the year you graduate first name.last name (example: 15Sally.Johnson) ◦ Password: Same password as last year. New students: Go4it2013 (you must change your password when you log on…must be a minimum of 8 characters, contain a capital letter, lowercase letter, and a number)
Ortonville School ◦ Mrs. Kunde’s webpage ◦ School webpage, High School, Business, Julie Kunde Research tools: ◦ Ortonville High School Library ◦ Atomic Learning
Internet safety review Formats for business documents Spreadsheet applications Database applications Graphic Design Multi-media applications Improve keyboarding skills