COMPREHENSIVE PowerPoint Tutorial 6 Creating Special Types of Presentations
XP Objectives Create design themes using the slide masters Change page setup and character spacing Create new slide master with a custom layout Make overhead transparencies in black and white (grayscale) and in color Prepare a custom photo album using PowerPoint New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 20072
XP Objectives Prepare a multiple-page and single-page poster presentation Create a banner Insert and review revision comments Manipulate text, insert symbols, and use the Format Painter Save a presentation file as a PowerPoint Show (PPSX) and as a Portable Document File (PDF) Encrypt a presentation file and add a digital signature New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 20073
XP Changing the Page Setup and Character Spacing Open a new, blank PowerPoint presentation in Normal view Click the Design tab, and then in the Page Setup group, click the Page Setup button New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 20074
XP Changing the Page Setup and Character Spacing To access the slide master, click the View tab and then click the Slide Master button To change the character spacing, select an option from the Character Spacing button on the Home tab New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 20075
XP Inserting a Custom Layout PowerPoint 2007 allows you to modify existing layouts, create and modify new layouts, and even create and modify new slide masters – Content – Text – Picture – Chart – Table – SmartArt – Media – ClipArt New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 20076
XP Inserting a Custom Layout Click the Slide Master tab, if necessary, and then in the Edit Master group, click the Insert Layout button New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 20077
XP Making Overhead Transparencies In the Page Setup group on the Design tab, click the Page Setup button, click the Slides sized for arrow, and then scroll down and click Overhead New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 20078
XP Preparing a Photo Album Using Custom Layouts New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 20079
XP Preparing a Photo Album Using Custom Layouts New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Creating a Poster Presentation A poster presentation is generally given at a professional meeting, and the information is formatted as a poster, or in the space of a poster Your presentation should have a landscape orientation Insert pictures and content as necessary New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Creating a Banner with PowerPoint Start a new presentation, click the Design tab, and in the Page Setup group, click the Page Setup button. The Page Setup dialog box opens Click the Slides sized for list arrow, and then click Banner Set the width and height to the desired dimensions, make sure the slide orientation is set to Landscape, and then click the OK button Adjust the title and subtitle placeholders to the desired size and location on the banner slide Adjust the font size, as desired, so that the title and subtitle text fit well in the banner Type the text, insert graphics, and make other desired modifications and enhancements Save the banner file to your disk, and then print the banner or send the file to a service bureau for printing New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Creating a Banner with PowerPoint New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Creating a Banner with PowerPoint New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Reviewing a Presentation with User Comments A review cycle is a system for sending out a presentation file for others to review, having them add comments (with questions and suggestions) to the presentation, getting back the copies of the files, and reviewing the comments A comment in PowerPoint is the electronic equivalent of an adhesive note that you can “attach” to a slide New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Adding Comments to a Presentation Click the Review tab on the Ribbon, and in the Comments group, click the New Comment button New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Printing Comment Pages Click the Office Button and then click Print Make sure the Print comments and ink markup check box is selected New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Inserting Special Symbols A symbol in PowerPoint is any text character, but usually we think of a symbol as a special character that we can’t type from the keyboard Click the Insert tab, and then in the Text group, click the Symbol button New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Inserting Special Symbols New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Saving a Presentation as a PowerPoint Show File A PowerPoint Show (PPSX) file, which is a file format that opens in Slide Show view when a user double-clicks the filename in an Explorer window Click the Office Button, point to Save As Click PowerPoint Show New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Saving a Presentation as a PowerPoint Show File New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Saving a Presentation as a Portable Document File If necessary, download and install the Adobe Reader Click the Office Button, and then point to Save As Look for the PDF or XPS command, with the subtitle, “Publish a copy of the presentation as a PDF or XPS file – It may be necessary to install the add-in New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Saving a Presentation as a Portable Document File New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Encrypting and Adding a Digital Signature to a Presentation File To encrypt a file is to modify the data structure to make the information unreadable to unauthorized people A digital signature is an electronic attachment, not visible within the contents of the document, which verifies the authenticity of the author or the version of the document by comparing the digital signature to a digital certificate New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Encrypting and Adding a Digital Signature to a Presentation File Click the Office Button, point to Prepare, and then click Encrypt Document Type a password for the document Click the Office Button, point to Prepare, and then click Add a Digital Signature New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint
XP Encrypting and Adding a Digital Signature to a Presentation File New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint