Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP3 Capacity building Project number: EPP BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein" University of East Sarajevo Nenad Marković, MSc – prof. dr Dejan Bokonjić – prof. dr Stevan Trbojević Kick-off meeting, Ghent (Belgium)/
Description Title : Capacity building Work package type : Development Description : The aim of this WP is to strengthen capacities at all BH universities through procurement of equipment (IT and books) and through different trainings for students and university staff. Trained BH staff and students at EU partner institutions should perform in-house workshop at BH universities for education and practical trainings of internal staff and students (8 workshops) at each BH university. Through this WP staff and students will gain skills and wider knowledge about internationalisation and recognition mechanisms that should be basis for improving internationalisation process at institution as well as recognition of qualifications. Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP3
Tasks Procurement of necessary equipment for international and students’ offices at BH universities, Development guide for internationalization, 3 workshops at EU partners, Internal university workshops for internal staff. University of Zenica Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP3 Lead organization
Related assumptions and risks Assumptions: procurement of equipment should be based on the expressed needs in order to improve the process of internationalisation, the guides should be based on the actual needs of the institution, staff and students are to receive practical information in order to raise the level of internationalisation at home institutions, the presence of a large number of participants at in-house workshops in order to carry out a quality dissemination and training of a larger number of staff and students. Risks: procurement of equipment, the needs of certain universities for different equipment than defined, understanding of the cultural context of internationalisation Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP3
Outcome 3.1. Title : Procurement of IT equipment for international and students’ offices for B&H universities Type : report, service/ product Description : The aim of this outcome is to strengthen the internal capacity at all BH universities. Each University should acquire the basic equipment consisting of computers, lap tops, color printers, projectors, so that specific premises at each University could be used by a larger number of staff and students. This equipment is of great importance to BH universities because financial resources are mostly limited for infrastructure improvement. The equipment will also be distributed to student offices and offices for international cooperation as they are the crucial offices for dissemination and internationalisation of the institution. Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.1.
Outcome 3.1. The acquired books should be accessible to a larger number of staff and students. This activity will last for three months. Due date : Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.1.
Outcome 3.1. Equipment costs Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.1. InstitutionNature, type and specifications of the item Amount (EUR) UBL IT equipment for international and students' offices (computers, laptops, color printers, projector) UNBI IT equipment for international and students' offices (computers, laptops, color printers, projector) UNMO IT equipment for international and students' offices (computers, laptops, color printers, projector) UES IT equipment for international and students' offices (computers, laptops, color printers, projector) SVEMO IT equipment for international and students' offices (computers, laptops, color printers, projector) UNSA IT equipment for international and students' offices (computers, laptops, color printers, projector) UNTZ IT equipment for international and students' offices (computers, laptops, color printers, projector) UNZE IT equipment for international and students' offices (computers, laptops, color printers, projector) 13500
Outcome 3.1. Equipment costs Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.1. InstitutionNature, type and specifications of the item Amount (EUR) UBL Professional and practical literature 1500 UNBI Professional and practical literature 1500 UNMO Professional and practical literature 1500 UES Professional and practical literature 1500 SVEMO Professional and practical literature 1500 UNSA Professional and practical literature 1500 UNTZ Professional and practical literature 1500 UNZEProfessional and practical literature 1500
Outcome 3.2. Title : Development rulebook/ guide for university internationalization Type : service/ product Description : The primary goal of designing the guide is to explain internationalisation in detail and encompass all ascpets of internationalisation. The guide should have a significant role for all University staff and students. Each guide should include the policy of internationalisation, the involvement of staff and students in international activities, internationlalisation of curriculum, international opportunities for staff and students, the importance of international network, international organization of HEIs, internationalisation ethics and values, and intellectual property. Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.2.
Outcome 3.2. Namely, the concept of internationalization should be explained in more detail to staff and students so that the concept would be accepted as an important component of the academic and research activities. The input for this activity is the diversity of available literature, as well as the renowned European practices related to the internationalization of HEI. Total duration of this activity is 20 working days. All BH Universities will be involved In compiling of the guide. Due date : Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.2.
Outcome 3.2. Staff costs Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.2. Institution Number of days Total (EUR) Manager Teacher/ trainer TechnicianAdministration CIP 15, HEA 15, RS HEAA 15, UBL 15, UNBI 15, UNMO 15, UES 15, SVEMO 15, UNSA 15, UNTZ 15, UNZE 20,0 1600
Outcome 3.2. Subcontracting costs Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.2. InstitutionNature, type and specifications of the item Amount (EUR) UBL Printing internationalisation guide for WP3, outcome UNBI Printing internationalisation guide for WP3, outcome UNMO Printing internationalisation guide for WP3, outcome UES Printing internationalisation guide for WP3, outcome SVEMO Printing internationalisation guide for WP3, outcome UNSA Printing internationalisation guide for WP3, outcome UNTZ Printing internationalisation guide for WP3, outcome UNZE Printing internationalisation guide for WP3, outcome
Outcome 3.2. Subcontracting costs Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.2. InstitutionNature, type and specifications of the item Amount (EUR) UNZE Translation services on local languages (bosnian, croatian, serbian) for WP3, outcome
Outcome 3.3. Title : Practical workshop at EU partner (Ghent) Type : training material, event, report Description : This outcome aims for a practical training for staff and students from BH partner institutions. The first of the three foreseen trainings shall differ from the others in terms of its theme. The emphasis will be put on mobility and internationalization of the curriculum. The training will be held in Ghent and will last for five days. All project partners are to participate in the training. Due date : Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.3.
Outcome 3.3. Travel costs and costs of stay - staff Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.3. Institution Number of participants Travel costsCosts of stay IPP BUCKS UBL UNBI UNMO UES SVEMO UNSA UNTZ UNZE CIP HEA RS HEAA FMON MPKRS
Outcome 3.3. Travel costs and costs of stay - students Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.3. Institution Number of participants Travel costsCosts of stay UBL 1275 UNBI 1275 UNMO 1275 UES 1275 SVEMO 1275 UNSA 1275 UNTZ 1275 UNZE 1275
Outcome 3.4. Title : Practical workshop at EU partner (High Wycombe) Type : training material, event, report Description : This outcome aims for a practical training for staff and students from BH partner institutions. The first of the three foreseen trainings shall differ from the others in terms of its theme. Emphasis will be placed on networking, different models of internationalization, internationalization ethics and values, and intellectual property. The training will be held in High Wycombe and will last for five days. All project partners are to participate in the training. Due date : Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.4.
Outcome 3.4. Travel costs and costs of stay - staff Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.4. Institution Number of participants Travel costsCosts of stay KU IPP UBL UNBI UNMO UES SVEMO UNSA UNTZ UNZE CIP HEA RS HEAA FMON MPKRS
Outcome 3.4. Travel costs and costs of stay - students Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.4. Institution Number of participants Travel costsCosts of stay UBL 1275 UNBI 1275 UNMO 1275 UES 1275 SVEMO 1275 UNSA 1275 UNTZ 1275 UNZE 1275
Outcome 3.5. Title : Practical workshop at EU partner (Porto) Type : training material, event, report Description : This outcome aims for a practical training for staff and students from BH partner institutions. The first of the three foreseen trainings shall differ from the others in terms of its theme. The focus will be international projects, funds, ICT. The training will be held in Porto and will last for five days. All project partners are to participate in the training. On the basis of these training it wii be necessary held internal workshop at each BH university. Due date : Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.5.
Outcome 3.5. Travel costs and costs of stay - staff Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.5. Institution Number of participants Travel costsCosts of stay KU Bucks UBL UNBI UNMO UES SVEMO UNSA UNTZ UNZE CIP HEA RS HEAA FMON MPKRS
Outcome 3.5. Travel costs and costs of stay - students Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education 3.5. Institution Number of participants Travel costsCosts of stay UBL UNBI UNMO UES SVEMO UNSA UNTZ UNZE
Subcontracting costs Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP3 InstitutionNature, type and specifications of the item Amount (EUR) UNZE Printing materials for WP2 (preparation for events, reports) 300
Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education