Skyline High School Science Department Course Offerings
Science Program of Studies Choice of course sequencing may depend on at least the following: Graduation requirements: ◦ Two laboratory based science courses are required for graduation. ◦ A Biology end-of-course exam must be passed prior to graduation University entrance requirements: ◦ WA Universities (and many others) require a minimum of two lab-based science courses. (one of which MUST be an algebra-based course (Chemistry/IB Chemistry or Physics/IB Physics) ◦ For incoming science majors, they recommend at least three courses. ◦ As a department, we highly recommend at least 4 years of science for any student planning on attending a 4-year university after high school graduation. ◦ Recommended: At least 1 year each (general or IB)of biology, chemistry, and physics
Courses Available at Skyline General courses ◦ Lab Methods: Chemistry and Physics ◦ Biology ◦ Environmental Systems the following are not recommended for 9 th grade students, but are offered: ◦ Chemistry ◦ Physics
Lab Methods (Physics and Chemistry): Learning Recommendations Students should be concurrently enrolled in Algebra 1 or higher Students should be familiar with the steps in the scientific process, investigative design and basic lab skills. Note: This is a designed as a year-long course, but students register for 2 separate semester- long courses
Lab Methods: Physics and Chemistry These courses offer both content and lab skills that are foundational for all upper level science courses, including general Biology. All incoming 9 th grade students are encouraged to register for both semesters. This course IS recognized by the HEC board as a lab-based science course.
Foundational Science Skills Covered in the Lab Methods courses: Dimensional Analysis (English and metric conversions) Measurement and graphical skills Lab safety Lab equipment use and technique (Bunsen burners, triple beam balances, probeware) Foundational chemistry and physics content used in upper level courses
Worried about the math? Don’t be Worried about the math? Don’t be If your student will be in Algebra 1 as a freshman, there are 2 main options: Take the Lab Methods courses…the content USES the math and may help support the math class! Take biology as a freshman and then take Lab Methods as a sophomore (once the math skills have improved) In your child’s sophomore year, IF he/she is in Geometry AND took Biology as a freshman, we highly recommend that Lab Methods be taken as opposed to an upper level science class.
Physical Science Self-Assessment Tool Available online to assist in determining the appropriate science placement for 9 th graders. Physical Science Assessment Tool
Macrobiology Ecology Populations Human Impact Evolution Microbiology Cells and organelles DNA Biochemistry (fats, sugars, nucleic acids) Microscope Genetics
Prepares you for the biology end of the course exam (which replaces the Science HSPE). You must pass this exam for graduation. Lab-based college-recognized science course. Prepares you for advanced coursework in IB Environmental Systems and IB Biology.
Other general courses… Environmental Systems ◦ An alternate life science course that focuses primarily on ecology and earth systems. In this course, geography, biology, chemistry, and physics are intertwined ◦ Learning Recommendations: ◦ Concurrent enrollment in geometry or higher ◦ Working knowledge of the scientific process and fundamental lab skills
Other general courses… (not recommended for 9 th grade) General Chemistry ◦Emphasis on lab skills and scientific inquiry. ◦Emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving. ◦This is a lab-based and algebra-based science course. Learning Recommendations: ◦Successful completion of Chemistry Lab Methods. ◦concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2. ◦Proficient in the use of computer software for word processing and spreadsheets. ◦Proficient in lab technique, problem solving and critical thinking.
Learning Recommendations: Knowledge of basic physics principles, such as those covered in Physics Lab Methods. Concurrent enrollment in at least Algebra 2 Topics Covered: Mechanics ▪ Linear motion ▪ Forces and Dynamics ▪ Projectile Motion ▪ Work, Energy, and Power ▪ Momentum and Collisions Wave Behavior and Mechanics Sound (acoustics) Light and Optics
International Baccalaureate Course Options Note: ONLY 11 th and 12 th grade students may enroll in these courses! IB Biology 1 and 2 (Higher Level) ◦ A 2-year course sequence; Higher Level test is taken at the end of the 2 nd year IB Chemistry 1 (Standard Level) ◦ Taken either grade 11 or 12; standard level test may be taken at end of year IB Chemistry 2 (Higher Level) ◦ A 2 nd IB chemistry course—taken by seniors only ◦ Students may take the Higher Level Exam
IB Physics 1 (Standard Level) ◦ Taken either grade 11 or 12; standard level test may be taken at end of year IB Physics 2 (Higher Level) ◦ A 2 nd year of IB Physics, taken by seniors ONLY. The higher level exam may be taken at the end of the year IB Environmental Systems and Societies (Standard Level) ◦ Taken either grade 11 or 12; standard level test may be taken at end of year