Nurturing An Emotionally, Healthy, Loving Home Based on the teachings by Dr. Gerald Newark: How To Raise Emotionally Healthy Children – Meeting the Five Critical Needs of Children… and Parents Too! Jennifer Baez, MPH, CBPI, CCCE, CLE 1
Objectives At the end of the session, participants will be able to… Recognize the consequences of the neglect of emotional health. List the five critical emotional needs of children and understand the importance of each in regards to emotional health. 2
By Dr. Gerald Newmark, whose mission is to raise awareness about the importance of the emotional health of children. 3
How to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children Dr. Newmark’s book helps parents raise children who will enjoy: Increased self-esteem Increased self-worth, and are Less likely to fall prey to negative influences 4
5 With this knowledge, parents can learn how to… Satisfy a child’s emotional needs, Become more conscious, confident and consistent parents, Make parent-child relations less stressful and more joyful, and Create an emotionally healthy environment at home. Improve their own mental health
About the Facilitator Master degree in Public Health (MPH) Fluent in English and Spanish Five years experience facilitating workshops to expectant and new parents through the WIC Program Two and a half years experience facilitating workshops in Spanish to youth and families as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Guayaquil, Ecuador Completed a full day training led by Dr. Newmark and Deborah Newmark Provides workshops at LA Care in Pacoima Has provided workshops at Century Charter School, Van Wig ES, Basset School District, North Ridge ES, Benjamin Franklin ES, Creekside ES, Watts Learning Center, Care 1 st, and many more! Spoke at the California Head Start Association Conference April 28, 2015 Parent Involvement Conference March 13, 2015
About the Six-Week Series Each session is 1 to 1.5 hours long The series can be tailored to 1,3, or 6 weeks A flyer with the upcoming dates will be ed to the school The series can be provided in English and in Spanish: Two separate sessions is preferred Parents will receive a copy of the book* Parents will receive a copy of the Five Critical Needs, a journal packet, A Participant Questionnaire for Session 1, and a Certificate of Completion (the certificate can be ed to the school and signed by the Principal)
About the Series Continued For an additional fee, light snacks may be provided Parents will have homework assignments, such as reading the book, completing “Student Of My Own Behavior” Questionnaire, and Planning a Family Meeting Additional Resources and parenting education is available: Breakthrough Parenting includes topics such as, Identifying Parenting Styles, The Source of Behavior, Discipline with Love, Effective Communication, Stages of Love, and many more!
Session Topics Session 1: The Five Critical Needs of Children – The Importance of Emotional Health – The impact when emotional needs are unmet – Participant Questionnaire Session 2: Family Situations – What helped and what didn’t help Session 3: Recollections from Childhood – What do I do the same or different with my own children?
Session Topics Continued Session 4: Becoming a Professional at Parenting – The difference between an amateur and a professional – Conscious Parenting Session 5: Overcoming Obstacles and Taking Control – Placing a Structure in Place Session 6: Strengthening Families and Schools
Cost 1 session - $150 (2 hours) – 30 participants max 3 sessions -$450 (2 hours) – 30 participants max 6 sessions -$810 (1 hour) – 30 participants max 1 session - $170 – 30 participants max (w/refreshments) 3 sessions -$510 – 30 participants max (w/refreshments) 6 sessions -$930 – 30 participants max (w/refreshments)
My Commitment To fulfill on Dr. Newmark’s mission. To provide a safe space where everyone’s input is equally important. To listen without judgment. To bring hope to a society where unconditional respect is possible. To continue to enhance my knowledge in emotional health. To continue to practice the application of the five emotional needs with friends, family, co-workers and anyone I come across with.
Websites The Children’s Project