8/19/14 Homeroom Put things you don’t need in your locker. GO GET BREAKFAST BEFORE YOU COME IN THE CLASSROOM. Turn in any paperwork to the ELT homework box. Eat your breakfast and read quietly. Breakfast is over at 9:15! You will transition to your first connection. Second period = second connection. Third period = ELT. Please, write your new schedule in your AGENDA and keep it on you ALWAYS!
8/19/14 E.L.T In your InterActive Reader & Writer workbook: Warm Up: Review your work from yesterday-- “Through Children’s Eyes” (p ) Don’t forget to do the work in the blue margins! Work Session: Complete the reading comprehension quiz on page 22. Then, compare answers with your group. Closing: Review Scholastic Scope magazine for tomorrow’s activity/interesting articles.
8/19/14 Language Arts Warm Up/Opening Session Turn in your homework to the correct box. Journal (Interactive Notebook): “What are your five senses? Use each of your five senses to describe your favorite food. *All journals should be at least one paragraph or longer! *
8/19/14 Essential Question: How can I use sensory language to improve my writing? Standard: ELA.6.W3.d – Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrarated experiences or events.
8/19/14 Language Arts Work Session - Aliens have landed! Pretend you are an alien who has just crash landed on Earth! You must use sensory language (the five senses) to describe the first object you just encountered (the Hershey’s kiss).
8/19/14 Language Arts Closing Session Scientific Reporting Now that you aliens are headed back to your home planets, you must describe the object using sensory language and share your written descriptions with an elbow partner. Don’t forget! HOMEWORK: Complete page 17 of your packet tonight. It’s due Thursday!
8/19/14 Closing Session Homework: Homework Packet – Due Thursday Complete p. 17 today. Reading Record Each entry needs parental initials!