Sara Macbeth Research & Development Officer Dorset County Council Adult and Community Services The Role of Extra Care in Dorset: An Evaluation of Trailway Court
2 Background DH Grant Application set out a commitment to evaluate extra care setting in North Dorset Perfect opportunity to look at the impact of extra care on –People –Local services Using methods based on previous national research
3 Methods Outcomes –Pre and post measures –Face to face interviews using ASCOT –Control group from ASCS Costs –Pre and post measures –Recall / data collection from agencies –Control group (n=16) Personal Outcome Monitoring
4 Findings – Impact to People
5 Findings – Impact to people (2)
6 Findings – Impact to costs
7 Findings – Impact to costs (2) Health care costs dropped –Regression to the mean after a crisis year Social care costs rose –Previously unmet need addressed THIS IS COMMON TO BOTH GROUPS Social care costs rose more for the control group after 4 people went into residential care
8 Implications Data suggests that –It costs money to do nothing –Great outcomes can be achieved in Extra Care for a cost similar to low level domiciliary care –Extra care can be a viable alternative to high cost residential care right up to end of life
9 Final thoughts… Nominations panels in extra care –Median age of 84yrs cf 79yrs. Thus ensuring extra care is available to people who might otherwise have needed high cost residential placements Recall vs Stakeholder data sharing –Recall is tricky but we need to find improved ways of recording and sharing data. We achieved no housing data costs and limited health data which is a key limitation of this study.
10 Contact Details Sara Macbeth Research & Development Officer David Goswell Recently moved to new post in Public Health at DCC