The Art of LINE …the path of a point moving through space…
What is Art? No comprehensive definition -Differs in cultures, by gender, by race, religion, etc. BUT we know that… Art is Subjective Art is Intentional Art is Expressive Art is FORM and CONTENT
Evaluating Works of Art The 5 Aesthetic Properties of Art Sensory Formal Technical Expressive Reflective
Line is a Sensory Property Giacometti-Head of Man Newman- First Station of the Cross Walt Disney Sketches
Types of Lines Descriptive Lines – Help us to understand what we are seeing Implied Lines – Suggest an edges rather than clearly defining one Expressive Lines – Send us messages about what the artist wants his or her work to make us feel
Line Personalities Shape What do straight lines remind you of? What do curved lines remind you of? What do jagged lines remind you of? Movement How do straight lines seems to move? Are curved lines more relaxed? What about jagged? Direction Vertical lines seem strong Horizontal feel calm or stable or boring Diagonal tend to feel unstable
ABSTRACT LINES Non-representational / Non-objective Expressive, not descriptive NOT used to symbolize, outline, or look like shading Little or No attempt to show a pictorial likeness or image The viewer is forced to see the lines for what they are… LINES
Non-Objective Line DesignS Objectives: Student will create a non-objective line design and show understanding of the purpose. Student will demonstrate steady hands and skilled craft. Student will experiment to determine methods of creating an optical effect Assignment: On an 8in by 8in square of white paper, use a black ultra fine point sharpie or pen to create a non- objective design. Begin by drawing one STRAIGHT or curved line that connects two edges of your page. Add an expressive line that shows a particular emotion. Continue by “echoing” your lines until you fill your page. You may choose to add color when you are finished Grading: Craftsmanship Expressive Qualities Optical effect