OUR FRIENDSHIP By: Addy and Megan
HOW WE MET We met in second grade Our moms introduced us to one another because they were both fourth grade teachers Surprisingly we became besties!!!
FIGHTS We never really have fights, but when we do, it never lasts more than five minutes
OUR AMERICAN GIRLS We have American girl dolls, Megan has four: Meg, Julie, McKenna, and Saige Addy has three: Kit, Ruthie, and Caroline
OUR BOOKS For our American Girl Dolls, we made books off of shutterfly. Our first book is called “Four Best Friends Together Forever Memory Book” This book shows the girls traveling the world TOGETHER. We used Megan’s mom’s camera, and set the girls up so it looked like they were traveling the world
ADDYSON’S FAVORITES Color: Turquoise Food: Fettuccine Alefredo Dream: SingingInstrument: Clarinet and Piano Team: Iowa State CyclonesSubject: Writing Drink: Chocolate MilkSong: Enchanted by Taylor Swift Singer: Taylor Swift Season: Summer Movie: The Parent TrapBook: I love so many!
MEGAN’S FAVORITES Color: YellowLeast favorite food: Pizza Dream: DancerInstrument: Trumpet Team: Iowa State CyclonesSubject: Writing Drink: Chocolate Milk Song: Ships in the Night Singer: Carrie UnderwoodSeason: Summer Movie: Frozen Book: Fever 1793
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