Sports Officiating Basketball Review Mr. Brewer
Rule #4 NFHS Basketball Rule #4: Definitions Look at definitions including: 1.Goaltending 2.Guarding 3.Legal/Illegal uses of arms and hands 4.Held Ball 5.Holding 6.Kick Ball 7.Pivots 8.Screens 9.Point of Interruption 10.Traveling 11.Legal Guarding position (Vertical Space rules)
Rule #4 Practice Questions Definitions: 1.Touching the ball during a field goal try while the ball is in a downward flight above the basket ring. 2.Opponents are both firmly in possession of the ball. 3.The intentional act of extending the leg or foot to make contact with the ball. 4.Illegal contact with the opponent that restricts the freedom of movement. 5.An opponent places hand on the ball while player is airborne, not allowing the player to release the pass/shot. 6.Moving a foot or both feet in excess of prescribed limits while in possession of ball. 7.The legal act of, without causing contact, delaying an opponent from reaching a desired position.
Rule #4 Answers Definitions: 1.Touching the ball during a field goal try while the ball is in a downward flight above the basket ring. (Goaltending) 2.Opponents are both firmly in possession of the ball. (Held Ball) 3.The intentional act of extending the leg or foot to make contact with the ball. (Kick Ball) 4.Illegal contact with the opponent that restricts the freedom of movement. (Holding) 5.An opponent places hand on the ball while player is airborne, not allowing the player to release the pass/shot. (Held Ball) 6.Moving a foot or both feet in excess of prescribed limits while in possession of ball. (Traveling) 7.The legal act of, without causing contact, delaying an opponent from reaching a desired position. (Screen)
Rule #4 True/False Regarding Screens (T/F?): It is legal to screen facing any direction. (True) The screener must be stationary. (True) The screener must stay within his/her vertical space approximately shoulder width apart. (True) A player may use his/her arms to force their way through a screen. (False) Regarding Guarding: A player must meet what 2 conditions to obtain legal guarding position? (Both Feet on the ground) (Torso facing opponent)
Rule #5 Rule #5: Scoring and Time Regulations Know the following: 1.Scoring Definitions 2.Stopping play 3.Time-outs (Length and #) 4.Restarting the clock
Rule #5 Practice Questions What is the result in terms of points scored? 1.A successful goal from behind the 19’9” arc. 2.A successful goal with one foot on the arc, the other behind the arc. 3.A successful free throw. 4.A successful free throw, defense commits lane violation. 5.A successful tap off of a rebound. 6.A successful free throw, offense commits lane violation.
Scoring Answers 1.A successful goal from behind the 19’9” arc. (3) 2.A successful goal with one foot on the arc, the other behind the arc. (2) 3.A successful free throw. (1) 4.A successful free throw, defense commits lane violation. (1) 5.A successful tap off of a rebound. (2) 6.A successful free throw, offense commits lane violation. (0)
Rule #5 Timing Questions: 1.How many 60 second time outs does each team have per game? 2.How many 30 second time outs does each team have per game? 3.If extra time is needed, how many additional 60 second time outs are allotted? 4.If extra time is needed, how many additional 30 second time outs are allotted? 5.If a team has 2 remaining time outs when regulation has ended, do the time outs carry over to overtime? 6.If a team(coach or player) calls a time out when there are no time outs available, what is the result of the play?
Rule #5 Timing Answers 1.How many 60 second time outs does each team have per game? (3) 2.How many 30 second time outs does each team have per game? (2) 3.If extra time is needed, how many additional 60 second time outs are allotted? (1) 4.If extra time is needed, how many additional 30 second time outs are allotted? (0) 5.If a team has 2 remaining time outs when regulation has ended, do the time outs carry over to overtime? (Yes) 6.If a team(coach or player) calls a time out when there are no time outs available, what is the result of the play? (Technical Foul, time out is given)
Rule #5 Scenario There is a 2 pt. game in the 4 th quarter. Team A has possession of the ball under their own front court basket, and they are down With.3 seconds to go, Player A1 passes the ball to player A2 who simultaneously jumps with his/her toe touching the 3 pt. line, while catching the ball and making the shot as the buzzer sounded. What is the result in terms of the score, and what is to follow?
Rule #5 Scenario Answer According to Rule 5 Section 2 Article 5 (5-2-5), when play is resumed with.3 seconds or less on a throw-in or free throw, a successful goal cannot come as a result of a player gaining control (catching) the ball. Note: A player who is able to “tap” the ball in without gaining control has scored a successful basket.
Rule #6 Rule #6: Live and Dead Ball Situations Know the following: 1.How ball can become live 2.Starting game, quarters and extra-periods 3.Alternating possession arrows 4.Dead ball circumstances
Rule #6 Practice Questions Questions: 1.What are three scenarios that the ball becomes live? 2.How are the 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th quarters started? 3.What determines who starts with the ball to start each quarter? 4.Name 3 scenarios that use the alternating possession arrows to determine which team will resume play.
Rule #6 Question Answers 1.What are three scenarios that the ball becomes live? (Jump Ball, Throw-in, Free Throw) 2.How are the 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th quarters started? (Throw-in at the division line or half court opposite the scorer’s table) 3.What determines who starts with the ball to start each quarter? (Alternating possession arrows) 4.Name 3 scenarios that use the alternating possession arrows to determine which team will resume play. (Not including starting quarters) 1.Held Ball 2.Live Ball is lodged between backboard and basket ring 3.Ball goes out of bounds last touched simultaneously by opponents 4.Simultaneous floor or free-throw violations occur. 5.Point of interruption cannot be determined
Rule #7 Rule #7: Out of Bounds and Throw-in Know the following: 1.Player out of bounds 2.Ball out of bounds 3.Simultaneously out of bounds 4.Resuming play (Throw-ins) 5.Throw-in administration
Rule #7 Practice Questions True or False? 1.A player is considered to still be in bounds as long as their foot does not completely cross the court boundary lines. 2.When a ball passes over the rectangular backboard, it is considered to be out of bounds. 3.A ball that hits the supports of the backboard is considered out of bounds only if the ball comes down behind the backboard. 4.If the ball strikes the ceiling or any over head equipment it is considered to be out of bounds.
Rule #7 Practice Question Answers 1.A player is considered to still be in bounds as long as their foot does not completely cross the court boundary lines. (False, inside edge) 2.When a ball passes over the rectangular backboard, it is considered to be out of bounds. (True) 3.A ball that hits the supports of the backboard is considered out of bounds only if the ball comes down behind the backboard. (False) 4.If the ball strikes the ceiling or any over head equipment it is considered to be out of bounds. (True)
Rule #7 Scenario Team A is throwing in the ball from the division line to resume play. Team member A1 starts with the ball out of bounds. While looking for someone to pass to, he/she is holding the ball across the invisible boundary plane that extends from the line on the floor to the ceiling. While doing so, a player from Team B guarding the thrower reaches out and grabs the ball from Player A1. What is the result of the play, why?
Rule #7 Scenario Answer The opponent has the right to grasp the ball once it penetrates the “throw-in boundary line”. Because the ball becomes live as soon as the ball is touched, while also simultaneously touching the thrower, the ball is considered to be out of bounds and Team B is awarded a throw-in.
Rule 8 Rule #8: Free Throws Know the Following: 1.Free throw administration 2.Free throw regulations/violations 3.Time restraints 4.Technical foul free throws 5.Resuming play (free throws)
Rule #8 Practice Questions How many free throws awarded?: 1.Fouled while taking a layup, missed the try. 2.Fouled while taking a 3 point shot, made the shot. 3.Fouled while taking a 3 point shot, missed the shot. 4.Technical foul by opposing team. 5.Personal foul by player, team foul #5. 6.Personal foul by player, team foul #8. 7.Personal foul by player, team foul #10.
Rule 8 Answers 1.Fouled while taking a layup, missed the try. (2) 2.Fouled while taking a 3 point shot, made the shot. (1) 3.Fouled while taking a 3 point shot, missed the shot. (3) 4.Technical foul by opposing team. (2, by anybody) 5.Personal foul by player, team foul #5. (0, throw- in) 6.Personal foul by player, team foul #8. (1 and 1) 7.Personal foul by player, team foul #10. (2)
Rule 8 Questions: 1.How many defensive players are allowed to occupy marked lane spaces during a free throw(non-technical)? 2.How many offensive players? 3.What team is entitled to the lane space closest to the basket on each side of the lane? 4.How long does a player have to shoot a free throw once the ball has been administered by the official? 5.Where must players not in the marked lane spaces remain during a free throw? 6.When are players occupying marked lane spaces allowed to enter the lane to get a rebound off of a free throw? 7.When are players outside of the 3 pt. line allowed to enter inside of the arc?
Rule 8 Answers 1.How many defensive players are allowed to occupy marked lane spaces during a free throw(non-technical)? (4) 2.How many offensive players? (2) 3.What team is entitled to the lane space closest to the basket on each side of the lane? (Opponents of Free Thrower’s team) 4.How long does a player have to shoot a free throw once the ball has been administered by the official? (10 seconds) 5.Where must players not in the marked lane spaces remain during a free throw? ( Outside of the 3 pt. line, and behind the free throw line extended) 6.When are players occupying marked lane spaces allowed to enter the lane to get a rebound off of a free throw? (Once the ball is released) 7.When are players outside of the 3 pt. line allowed to enter inside of the arc? (Once the ball hits the basket ring or backboard)
Rule 9 Rule #9: Violations and Penalties Summary Know the Following: 1.Violations during following situations: A.Throw-ins B.Free throws C.Out-of-bounds D.Illegal Dribble E.Jump Ball F.Closely Guarded G.Backcourt H.Time Violations
Rule 10 Rule #10: Fouls Summary Know the Following: 1.Pre-game violations and outcomes 2.Substitute technical foul 3.Player technical 4.Bench technical 5.Contact
Rule 9 and 10 Situations Situations: 1.If a team does not report to throw-in the ball to resume play in the allotted amount of time, the official will place the ball where and start the silent count for standard throw-in procedures? 2.If the same scenario happens to the same team as scenario #1 again later in the game, what would the result of the play be? 3.What are two ways a player may not intentionally touch the basketball? 4.To start the game, the ball is thrown in the air and come back down to touch the floor without being touched by either team, what is the result? 5.A team must report a full roster with players/numbers and designate the 5 starters with at least 10 minutes prior to each game. Once that 10 minute mark has elapsed, a team is unable to do what 5 things without being give a team technical foul? 6.A substitute must do what 2 things to avoid receiving a “substitute technical” foul?
1.If a team does not report to throw-in the ball to resume play in the allotted amount of time, the official will place the ball where and start the silent count for standard throw-in procedures? (The Floor at the spot of the designated throw-in) 2.If the same scenario happens to the same team as scenario #1 again later in the game, what would the result of the play be? (Team Technical Foul) 3.What are two ways a player may not intentionally touch the basketball? (Kick, Fist) 4.To start the game, the ball is thrown in the air and comes back down to touch the floor without being touched by either team, what is the result? (Re-Jump) 5.A team must report a full roster with players/numbers and designate the 5 starters with at least 10 minutes prior to each game. Once that 10 minute mark has elapsed, a team is unable to do what 5 things without being give a team technical foul? 1. Change starters 2. Add name to roster 3. Have player change number 4. Ask scorer to change number of player 5. Have 2 players with identical numbers 1.A substitute must do what 2 things to avoid receiving a “substitute technical” foul? 1. Report to scorer’s table prior to entering court 2. Be signaled onto the court by an official before entering court on own