What type of things will magnets pick-up? Rhonda A. Farmer ECE 7514 Summer 2013
S1P2. Students will demonstrate effects of magnets on other magnets and other objects. a. Demonstrate how magnets attract and repel. b. Identify common objects that are attracted to a magnet. c. Identify objects and materials (air, water, wood, paper, your hand, etc.) that do not block magnetic force. MCC1.NBT.1 Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. Reference:
Fisherman Fred needs your help to figure out what items he can catch with his magnet fishing pole. You and your partner have been hired as his assistant fishermen. Read the instructions carefully before you begin fishing.
First your team will need to get a copy of the Magnet Fishing Pole Items worksheet. Second your team will need to use your fishing poles to see what items you can catch in the fishing bucket. Separate items into two piles (Magnetic and Non-Magnetic) Anything that you can catch with the pole is magnetic and goes into that pile. Anything that you CANNOT catch with your fishing pole is non-magnetic and goes into that pile. Next your team will need to count each separate item and write the total number of that item on the worksheet. Finally total the items that are magnetic and non-magnetic.
Objects: Magnetic Not magnetic PENNY PAPER CLIP BLOCK ERASER SPOON MAGNET Magnet Fishing Pole Items Add objects in each column TOTALS: __________ ___________
Fisherman Fred appreciates your help. He has a special Bill Nye the Science Guy video for you to watch to learn more about magnets on the next slide. Good Job!!! Please put all items you have caught back into your bucket along with the magnet fishing pole.
Click on the following link to watch the video v=ak8Bh9Zka50
List an additional magnetic item that you viewed on the Bill Nye video. Now, go to the following websites and list 2 additional facts about magnets. /cartoons-tv-movies-kids/i-didnt-know-that- kids/idkt-magnets-kids/ /cartoons-tv-movies-kids/i-didnt-know-that- kids/idkt-magnets-kids/ Use+Magnets+In+Our+Every+Day+Life Use+Magnets+In+Our+Every+Day+Life