WARM UP 1.Explain the meaning of each of the 4 quantum number labels. 2.Write a regular electron configuration for gold. 3.Write a box diagram for zirconium, showing promotion.
Element Memorization Chemistry II
Element NameSymbol HydrogenH HeliumHe LithiumLi BerylliumBe BoronB CarbonC NitrogenN OxygenO FluorineF NeonNe
Element NameSymbol SodiumNa MagnesiumMg AluminumAl SiliconSi PhosphorusP SulfurS ChlorineCl ArgonAr PotassiumK CalciumCa
Element NameSymbol TitaniumTi ChromiumCr ManganeseMn IronFe CobaltCo NickelNi CopperCu ZincZn ArsenicAs BromineBr
Element NameSymbol KryptonKr StrontiumSr ZirconiumZr MolybdenumMo SilverAg TinSn IodineI XenonXe CesiumCs BariumBa
Element NameSymbol LanthanumLa TungstenW IridiumIr PlatinumPt GoldAu MercuryHg LeadPb BismuthBi PoloniumPo AstatineAt
Element NameSymbol RadonRn FranciumFr RadiumRa ActiniumAc ThoriumTh UraniumU PlutoniumPu EinsteiniumEs RutherfordiumRf BohriumBh
WRAP UP Write the symbol for each of the following elements: –PotassiumFluorine –ArgonBismuth –TungstenCopper –BohriumGold
WARM UP 1.List the symbol and atomic number for any 10 elements, in alphabetical order by element name. (1 st to finish gets extra credit)
WRAP UP List the name and atomic number of the first 18 elements, in order (without your notes, if possible).