The Periodic Table
The Table in General Columns (families) –Called families or groups –Elements in a family have similar chemical and physical properties –As you go from the top to the bottom of the column the elements get larger.
This is column 1 the alkali metals Draw an arrow down column one.
The Table in General Rows (periods) –Called periods –First element in a period is a very reactive solid metal –Last element in a period is a very non-reactive gas –Elements get less reactive as you move right Reactive means to lose or gain electrons –Elements become less metallic as you move to the right
This is Period 4 Draw an arrow across period four.
Alkali Metals
Shade this column yellow. One electron in the valence shell –Valence means the outer shell Soft, less dense metals Most reactive of all metals React with water to form bases Never found free, alone, in nature Used to make soap, table salt, baking soda
Alkaline Earth Metals
Shade this column red Two electrons in the valance shell Harder, higher melting point, more dense than Alkali metals (column 1) Very reactive but less than Alkali metals
Transition Elements
Shade all these elements purple.
Transition Elements Good conductors of heat and electricity Higher melting point than first two families Some are hard and brittle * They have 1 or 2 electrons in the outer shell Some combine with oxygen to form oxides Form brightly colored compounds They are less reactive than group 1 and 2
Rare Earth Elements
Shade the elements light blue/teal. 1 st Row Lanthanide Series –Soft, malleable, great conductors, used to make alloys (mixed metals w/ metals or nonmetals) 2 nd Row Actinide Series All are radioactive (unstable). Elements are man-made Bonus: Find out which 3 are not synthetic.
Boron Family
Shade all the elements Green. Three electrons in the valance shell Reactive Collection of "odd ducks" –boron is a metalloid –aluminum, gallium, indium and thallium are poor metals Aluminum is the third most abundant element on earth.
Carbon Family
Shade all elements Dark Blue Four valence electrons Form organic compounds –Organic means alive or living, contains carbon Silicon is the second most abundant element on earth Tin resists Oxidation and Corrosion Lead is very dense and poisonous Reactivity varies among the elements
Nitrogen Family
Shade this family Brown. Five electrons in the valance shell Stable, do not combine easily Nitrogen is the most abundant in earths atmosphere. Uses: Fertilizer, dyes, explosives Ex NH 3 (Ammonia). Liquid at room temp. Phosphorus: Match tips (extremely reactive) Arsenic: Rat Poison
Oxygen Family
Shade all elements in this family Orange. 6 outer electrons Oxygen supports burning, is very reactive, combines with many other elements Sulfur, Selenium, Tellurium: Brittle, combine easily with other elements All but oxygen is solid at room temp.
Halogen Family
Shade all elements in this family Pink Seven valence electrons. React violently w/ alkali metals to form salt Most chemically reactive non-metals Never found free in nature Low melting and boiling point As gases they form diatomic elements ex. F 2, Cl 2
Noble Gas Family
Shade all elements in this family gray. Full valance shell, He 2 electrons Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn all have 8 electrons Inert, do not combine with other elements He- balloons, Ne- signs, Ar- fill in windows, Xe- photographic lamps, Rn- Treats cancer Un-reactive
Who has no family?
Hydrogen (no family) Shade this element no color. One valance electron Highly reactive Highly combustible Colorless odorless gas at room temperature The most abundant element in the Universe
Metalloids: Draw the step ladder & Shade the metalloids with stripes.
Non-metals mark the non-metals with dots.
Properties of a metal. Physical –Superior electric and thermal conductivity –High luster (shine) –High density –Malleable –Alkali and Alkaline earth metals are reactive, low density, low hardness, low melting point
Properties of a metal. Chemical –Form positively charged ions (more protons than electrons) –Oxidize easily (reacts w/ oxygen) –React with acid –Some react with water to form a base
Properties of a non-metal Chemical –Form negatively charged ions (more electrons than protons) Physical –Brittle when solid –Most are solid and gas (Bromine is a liquid) –Not thermally or electrically conductive –Lower melting points and boiling points than metals
Vertical lines______________________________ Horizontal rows____________________________ Elements on the zigzag______________________ Elements on the top right____________________ 1 valance electron reactive family______________ 2 valance electron reactive family______________ 3-12 families ______________________________ Elements that form salts_____________________ Elements that do not react___________________ Elements that are pulled out from the Periodic table___________________________________ Element that is all alone_____________________ Groups/Families total of 11 Periods total of 7 Metalloids Non-Metals Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Transition Elements Halogens Nobel Gas or Inert Gases Rare Earth Elements Hydrogen
Read the Element 77 Ir Iridium
Example Element 1.Element: _______________ 2.Symbol: ________________ 3.Atomic mass: _____________ 4.Atomic number:______________ 5.Family: _____________________ 6.Period: ____________ 7.Number of total electrons: _________ 8.Number of valance electrons: _______ Iridium Ir Transition Element #
Groups Elements having the same number of electrons in the outer shell makes them a group.