Simple Machines and the “Green” House Presented by (Name of Presenter)
What are they? Simple machines are machines with few or no moving parts that are used to make work easier for us to do. Rube Goldberg Machine BK WMV.wmv
Why Simple Machines? For the mechanical advantage… Making something easier to do, but it takes a little longer to do it
Types of Simple Machines Wedge Wheel and Axle Lever Inclined Plane Screw Pulley
Engineering Design Process — Steps — Understand the need Brainstorm and design Plan Create Improve
A WEDGE pushes materials apart.
A WHEEL and AXLE make it easy to move things by rolling them and reducing friction.
A SCREW turns rotation into lengthwise movement.
A PULLEY makes lifting heavy objects easier by redirecting force.
An INCLINED PLANE makes it easier to move objects upward; a longer path but easier lifting
A LEVER helps lift heavy weights using longer distances
COMPLEX MACHINES combine two or more simple machines to work together.
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