Project Lead The Way Forging New Generations of Engineers
Overview – Project Lead The Way PLTW has developed a four year sequence of courses which, when combined with college preparatory mathematics and science courses in high school, introduces students to the scope, rigor and discipline of engineering and engineering technology prior to entering college. The courses are: ■ Introduction to Engineering Design ■ Digital Electronics ■ Principles of Engineering ■ Civil Engineering and Architecture ■ Engineering Design and Development
Goals – Project Lead The Way ■ Increase the number of young people who pursue engineering and engineering technology programs requiring a four or two - year college degree. ■ Provide equitable and inclusive opportunities for all academically qualified students without regard to gender or ethnic origin. ■ Provide clear standards and expectations for student success in the program. ■ Reduce the future college attrition rate with four and two-year engineering and engineering technology programs. ■ Provide leadership and support that will produce continuous improvement and innovation in the program. ■ Contribute to the continuance of America's national prosperity.
Beliefs – Project Lead The Way We Believe That: ■ Committing to diversity promotes opportunities for individuals, enhances creativity and strengthens organizations. ■ Individuals and teams working in a culture of collaboration toward clear and common goals achieve greater satisfaction and superior results. ■ The passionate and unwavering pursuit of continuous improvement is essential to high levels of achievement. ■ All people are capable of achieving at higher levels and deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential. ■ All people have something to contribute.
Beliefs (continued) – Project Lead The Way We Believe That: ■It is essential to know, listen to, and be responsive to our customers. ■ Anticipating and managing change is critical to success. ■ Learning is a lifelong process. ■ Honesty, integrity and the highest ethical standards are essential attributes of an effective organization.
Course Sequence – Project Lead The Way
Courses – Project Lead The Way Principles of Engineering - Grade 9 A course that helps students understand the field of engineering/engineering technology. Exploring various technology systems and manufacturing processes help students learn how engineers and technicians use math, science and technology in an engineering problem solving process to benefit people. The course also includes concerns about social and political consequences of technological change. Introduction to Engineering Design - Grade 10 A course that teaches problem-solving skills using a design development process. Models of product solutions are created, analyzed and communicated using solid modeling computer design software. In NYS, the course is called Design and Drawing for Production and follows the syllabus developed by the State Education Department.
Courses (continued) – Project Lead The Way Digital Electronics - Grade 11 A course in applied logic that encompasses the application of electronic circuits and devices. Computer simulation software is used to design and test digital circuitry prior to the actual construction of circuits and devices. Civil Engineering and Architecture - Grade 12 This course provides an overview of the fields of Civil Engineering and Architecture, while emphasizing the interrelationship and dependence of both fields on each other. Students use state of the art software to solve real world problems and communicate solutions to hands-on projects and activities. This course covers topics such as: ■ The Roles of Civil Engineers and Architects ■ Project Planning ■ Site Planning ■ Building Design ■ Project Documentation and Presentation
Courses (continued) – Project Lead The Way Engineering Design and Development - Grade 12 An engineering research course in which students work in teams to research, design and construct a solution to an open-ended engineering problem. Students apply principles developed in the four preceding courses and are guided by a community mentor. They must present progress reports, submit a final written report and defend their solutions to a panel of outside reviewers at the end of the school year.
Determination - Project Lead The Way
Projects - Project Lead The Way Marble Sorter Students are to work in teams to design an automated separation system that simulates the separation process that is used in an industrial recycling plant. Students are required to separate two different colored marbles, clear and opaque, into separate collection bins.
Projects (continued) - Project Lead The Way SMET Project Using the skills gained from the Simple Machines Unit; students applied their knowledge to create a SMET device. Using Science, Math, Engineering, and Technology to create A Simple Machine Energy Transformation Device
Projects (continued) - Project Lead The Way Ballistic Device Things move in predictable patterns. A ball thrown in the air moves in a curved path until it strikes the earth. We can analyze where it will strike the ground if we make some basic assumptions about free-fall acceleration and we discount the effects of wind resistance.
Projects (continued) - Project Lead The Way Puzzle Cube Project Putting it together Taking it apart
Projects (continued) - Project Lead The Way Entire Assembly Playground Project