HEVC CABAC A PROJECT UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF DR. K. R. RAO COURSE: EE5359 - MULTIMEDIA PROCESSING, SPRING 2016 SUBMITTED BY: Satya Avasarala (1001090898) Mohammed Mahmood Quraishi(1001151028) Sai Kumar Pola(1001110666) Email ID :satyasai.avasarala@mavs.uta.edu mahmoodquar.mohammed@mavs.uta.edu Saikumar.pola@mavs.uta.edu
LIST OF ACRONYMS: AVC : Advance Video Coding BD-BR: Bjontegaard Delta Bit rate. CTU : Coding Tree Unit CU : Coding Unit CABAC: Context Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding. DBF: De-blocking Filter PU : Prediction Unit MPEG : Moving Picture Experts Group HDTV : High Definition Television PSNR : Peak Signal To Noise Ratio ISO: International Organization for Standardization HEVC: High Efficiency Video Coding. HM: HEVC Test Model. DCT: Discrete Cosine Transform MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Group. JCT: Joint Collaborative Team. JCT-VC: Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding
Introduction : H.264 H.264 also known as Advanced Video Coding (MPEG-4 AVC)[2] is a video coding format is developed by ITU-T [4], Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) together with the ISO/IEC JTC1[2] Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG).[1] It has been said that 80% of the internet videos use this compression standard . It has 50% more video coding efficiency than MPEG 2. The Applications Of H.264 were : 1) HDTV broadcast satellite. 2) Real-time video chat and Video Conferencing 3) Internet and mobile videos and many more. Advantages Over Previous Standards(MPEG 2) 1) Prediction- Intra prediction using neighboring sample. 2) Transform – It implemented 4x4/8x8 integer transforms and 2x2/4x4 secondary Hadamard.[6] 3) Entropy Coding- Context Adaptive Variable Length Coding(CAVLC) and CABAC.[8]
It uses huge bandwidth approximately 40-45% over HEVC [5] DISADVANTAGES OF H.264 It uses huge bandwidth approximately 40-45% over HEVC [5] At the same bit rate HEVC performs far more better video quality compared to H.264 Failure to support UHD,2K and 4K standard. H.264 encoding and decoding is more computationally complex than some other codecs such as MPEG-4 [9] Part 2 (DivX, XviD). Figure 1: Comparison of various codecs [1]
HEVC: HEVC was developed by the JCT-VC organization, a collaboration between the ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG. [2] It is an extension of the concepts in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC. [11] It offers about double the data compression ratio at the same level of video quality, or substantially improved video quality at the same bit rate.[6] A parallel pipeline approach is most promising and gives highest throughput. It incorporates the extension of the correlation and contrast coding areas from 16×16 pixel to sizes up to 64×64 [14], enhanced variable-square size division, enhanced "intra" expectation inside of the same picture, enhanced movement vector forecast and enhanced movement pay sifting.
FLEXIBLE CODING BLOCK STRUCTURES: Each frame is divide into blocks Key Features Of HEVC: FLEXIBLE CODING BLOCK STRUCTURES: Each frame is divide into blocks In HEVC CTU can have up-to 64x64 pixels which may be a combination of inter and intra coded blocks [6] Figure 2:Block partitioning [3]
Different Prediction Units For Intra-Coded and Inter-Coded CU In the intra-coded CU we can only divide into square partition units like 4 PU or a single PU [8] Inter Coded Cu Can be divided into non Square and Square PU’S [9]
EXTENSIVE TRANSFORMS HEVC supports wide range of integer transform like 4x4, 8x8,16x16 and 32x32 [6] Two Types of 4x4 transforms IDST-intra and IDCT-inter Due to this there has been an increased computational complexity like: - 8x more computations per coefficient. [12] - 16x larger transpose memory. There has be an increase of 5-10% in coding efficiency. [13]
HEVC CABAC HEVC uses CABAC as it’s entropy coding engine which does lossless coding of syntax elements. Thereby, achieves 10-15% coding efficiency when compared to CAVLC used by AVC/H.264. [19] Figure 3 : HEVC CABAC block diagram [11]
HEVC CABAC & its main steps Binarization : Maps the syntax elements to binary symbols (bins). [12] 2) Context Modelling : Estimates the probability of the bins. 3) Arithmetic Coding : Compresses the bins to bits based on the estimated probability [18] Figure 4 :Basic encoding process [12]
Key steps in CABAC 1.Binarization: It involves mapping the syntax elements to the binary symbols. Combinations of Binarizations can be used in HEVC and AVC. [12] Example: Fixed length, Exp-Golomb, truncated unary, etc.., Different types of prefix and suffix can be used. Truncated unary can be used as prefix and Fixed length as suffix. [10]
2. Arithmetic Coding In this, bins(binary symbols) are mapped to bits. [16] In here, there is a recursive sub-interval process which is based on probability of symbol being compressed. [15] The encoded bits represent an offset value which when converted to a fraction selects one of the two intervals indicated as a decoded bin
3. Context Selection The context modelling and selection is used to accurately model the probability of each bin. [13] Probability of each bin depends on syntax element and bin index. There are several hundred context models in AVC and CABAC. [1] The context and probability of next bin is determined by previous bin. But these operations should be traded off in term of Power and Area.
ENCODER IMPLEMENTATION STANDARDS: Throughput: Achieve target pixel-rate and bit-rate for real time applications. Reduce latency of bits to pixels and pixels to bits for interactive applications. Energy and Power Consumption:Minimize energy consumption to extend battery life for portable devices. Minimize power consumption to reduce heat dissipation. Platform Cost : Reduce amount of data to be stored in memory and amount of logic. Reduce bandwidth requirements such as reads/writes from memory to reduce demands on off-chip components.
Throughput improvements in HEVC 1. Reduce total number of bins The binarization of coefficient levels was modified to reduce the total number of bins as a constitute up to 15-25% of total number of bins. [12] HEVC and AVC have same number of bins but upon coefficient values above 12, the binarization used in HEVC has fewer bins when compared to AVC bins. [3] In a worst case scenario for a given 16*16 block of pixels the total number of bins were reduced by 1.5 times when compared to AVC/H.264. [6]
2. Reducing number of context coded bins The number of context coded bins was reduced considerably when compared to AVC by 8 times. Table 1 &2 : Various context coded bins [12] [11]
3.Grouping of bypass bins By grouping of bypass bins, we can improve the coding efficiency. This can be done by setting up run length of bin streams from different syntax elements. [3] Formula for PSNR [7] Figure 5 :Rate distortion curve [8]
Flowchart For HEVC Encoding: Figure 6 :HEVC Encoding flow chart [11]
HEVC Decoding: Figure 7 :HEVC decoding flow chart [11]
Entropy Coding In HEVC-CABAC Algorithm The HEVC video compression technology uses Context based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding(CABAC) entropy which is a modified version of CABAC encoder that is used in MPEG-4 AVC/H.26 video compression standard [9] Figure 8 :General Block Diagram of CABAC Encoder [12]
Entropy Coding In HEVC-CABAC Algorithm Continued… The distinctive feature of CABAC algorithm is application the binary arithmetic codec core that is able to encode binary symbols. 225 models are defined in CABAC with HEVC. [4] CABAC introduces two essential simplifications in order to speed up computations: -Probabilities of symbols are calculated in a simplified way using pre-defined Finite State Machine(FSM) with 64 states. -Some symbol are encoded in the so-called bypass coding made with no data statistics modelling stage. Simplifications made in CABAC [2] context modeler block significantly reduces accuracy of symbol probabilities which negatively affects compression performance. [5]
Improved Version Of CABAC Algorithm in HEVC Main idea of improved CABAC uses more accurate mechanism of data statistics estimation relative to original algorithm. In the improved CABAC, the CTW method is used by every statistical model to calculate conditional probability of symbols more accurately. [8] Figure 9: Improved version of CABAC [8]
Efficiency Of Improved HEVC- Consequences Application of the improved CABAC within HEVC increases compression performance of video encoder. As seen in the table below an average of 2.6% bitrate reduction was obtained for used video sequences Table 3: Performance comparison of both version of HEVC [16] Compression performance of forthcoming HEVC technology can be further increased when using improved entropy encoder [15] Better data statistics estimation in CABAC leads to 1.6% - 4.5% reduction of HEVC bit-stream.
HM CODE: (Source – HM software Lib) Void TEncBinCABAC::start() { m_uiLow = 0; m_uiRange = 510; m_bitsLeft = 23; m_numBufferedBytes = 0; m_bufferedByte = 0xff; #if FAST_BIT_EST m_fracBits = 0; #endif }
Void TEncBinCABAC::finish() { if ( m_uiLow >> ( 32 - m_bitsLeft ) ) //assert( m_numBufferedBytes > 0 ); //assert( m_bufferedByte != 0xff ); m_pcTComBitIf->write( m_bufferedByte + 1, 8 ); while ( m_numBufferedBytes > 1 ) m_pcTComBitIf->write( 0x00, 8 ); m_numBufferedBytes--; } m_uiLow -= 1 << ( 32 - m_bitsLeft );
else { if ( m_numBufferedBytes > 0 ) m_pcTComBitIf->write( m_bufferedByte, 8 ); } while ( m_numBufferedBytes > 1 ) m_pcTComBitIf->write( 0xff, 8 ); m_numBufferedBytes--; m_pcTComBitIf->write( m_uiLow >> 8, 24 - m_bitsLeft );
Void TEncBinCABAC::flush() { encodeBinTrm(1); finish(); m_pcTComBitIf->write(1, 1); m_pcTComBitIf->writeAlignZero(); start(); }
FUTURE WORK: Requirement for backing differing customers with fluctuating capabilities. H.264/AVC does not support combined scalable and multi-view coding. [22] HEVC allows for combined scalable and multi-view coding. Scalable video coding: As there is need for more compression efficiency & huge requirement for mixed format content so we need to go for Scalable video coding. It regulates the encoding of an amazing video bit stream that likewise contains one or more subset bit streams. Lastest advancements include the HEVC screen content coding which started in 2014 April. [29]
FUTURE WORK: contd Figure 10 : Scalable extension of HEVC [9]
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