Virginia Historical Documents Stuff Written by Virginians which later had a huge influence on The U.S. Constitution. Tresky’s Civics Class
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Our Founding Fathers borrowed heavily from 3 Virginia Documents written during colonial and revolutionary times. The ideas and principles in these documents can be seen throughout the U.S. Constitution, the State of Virginia had a profound influence on creating the government of the United States.
Virginia Declaration of Rights June 12, 1776 Written by George Mason This document became the basis for the Constitutions Bill of Rights. This document Protected the basic rights of the people, it was included in the Virginia Constitution.
Virginia Declaration of Rights It was the first attempt in writing, the rights of man that cannot be taken away by the government. That is why our founding fathers used this document to help them write the “Bill of Rights”. It listed the following rights: Freedom of the Press/Right to a fair trial/& freedom to worship as they wished.
Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom 1785 Written by Thomas Jefferson When Virginia was a colony, everyone HAD to belong to the Church of England, and pay taxes to support it.
Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom Be it enacted by the General Assembly that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place or ministry. In 1785 it was passed into law in the State of Virginia, it did away with the State Church. Not going to church was no longer a crime, people were now free to worship as they wished, anywhere, anyhow, anytime!!!!!
Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom This document influenced the Constitution in that Freedom of Religion was included in the 1 st Amendment, and the idea in the Constitution of Separation of Church and State.
Fun Fact!!! Thomas Jefferson with all his achievements in life wanted to be remembered for only 3 things, NOT to be remembered for being the 3 rd President or other high offices………………
FUNFACT! 1.Declaration of Ind. 2.Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom 3. Founder of the University of Virginia
Virginia Constitution 1776 Written by George Washington/George Mason/Patrick Henry/James Madison The 2 nd Continental Congress encouraged the new states to adopt their own State Constitutions to prepare for independence.
Virginia Constitution As you can see, there are a lot similarities between the Virginia Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. Both have………………… 3 branches of government Could be amended (changed) Due process under the law A Bill of Rights
Virginia Constitution Majority Rule by the People Protected basic rights (religion, speech, press, etc) The Virginia Constitution served as a Model for the U.S. Constitution!
Tresky Educational Production