Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft PANDA MVD Slow Control Issues Harald Kleines, Forschungszentrum Jülich, ZEA-2
Client Level Overall Structure of MVD control system Server level: EPICS servers implemented on EPCIS IOCs provide HW abstraction Server level code has to be implemented by the MVD team Client level: EPICS client applications (implemented on client computers) responsible for monitoring, user operation and online storage (of process values, setups and alarms) 2 types of client applications: Generic applications provided by the DCS team: e.g. alarm system, data base application,… MVD specific applications provided by the MVD team: e.g. GUIs for cooling plant operation or power supply operation 3 privilege levels on the client side: pure monitoring, standard operation and expert operation Expert operation will be required for detector start-up and shut-down as well as for maintenance EPCIS support for privilege levels: unclear Epics IOC Channel Access Protocol (based on Ethernet + UDP) to Client Systems Client Computers Database Server Level
MVD Slow Control Subsystems The MVD Slow Control System is partitioned into individual subsystems Subdivision according to functional groups Dedicated interconnects between subsystems possible, e.g. hardwired shutdown of power supplies in the case of leak detection in the cooling system Each subsystem includes clients applications as well as EPCIS IOCs, to which all HW devices are connected Client applications of different subsystems may share the same client computer Hardware Connections of IOCs Ethernet for power supplies, crate control GBT (indirectly via MicroTCA backplane) for detector configuration, run control and environmental monitoring PROFINET to PLC for Cooling system, environmental monitoring Cooling System High Voltage System Low Voltage System Environ- metal Monitoring Detector Con- figuration Run Control Crate/ Rack Control
GBT-SCA Developed by CERN as part of the GBT chipset Local sensors directly connectable to ADC channels Remote Sensors connectable via I2C or SPI Unfortunately no space for GBT-SCA on service board developed for TOPIX in Torino This service board is supposed to be used also for the PASTA ASIC in the strip part So it seems that the GBT-SCA cannot be used for the PANDA MVD GBT-SCA chip can reduce cabling in the Low Voltage and the Environmental Monitoring System
EPICS IOC in MicroTCA crate of GBT-based slow control functions EPICS IOC implemented on AMC CPU Communication with MMBs via PCIe on backplane GBT downstream to front end: configuration data + commands GBT upstream: detector data + slow control information from GBT-SCA + TOPIX/PASTA temperatures and bias voltages AMC CPU (EPICS IOC) AMC: Timing MMB 1MMB 2 MMB 10 MCH Backplane 4 Lane PCIe (Point-to-Point to MCH) Clocks, Triggers, Control Signals according to MTCA.4 („uTCA for Physics“) SODA Ethernet/ CA Protocol MicroTCA Crate GBT Links
Cooling System Responsible for the control and monitoring of the cooling plant (water tank level, pumps, heat exchanger, chillers) and of the cooling lines Detector safety function: Leak detection must lead to an immediate power shutdown of the MVD (and also additional detectors???) Sensors + Actuators Temperature sensors, pressure sensors, flow regulators, shut off valves for the cooling lines Signals for the cooling plant (water tank, pumps, heat exchanger, chillers, water cleaning,..) not completely clear It will be a PLC based system implemented by the MVD team. It is intended to use a failsafe Siemens S type of PLC, which is connected to the EPCIS IOC via PROFINET. In order to distribute digital and analogue IOs over the detector, ET200MP decentral periphery systems are intended to be used. A global alarm from the DCS should be hardwired to the PLC A hardwired signal form the PLC to the DCS should be provided in order to trigger a global detector power down
Schematic overview of the Cooling Plant (by Silvia Coli)
Cooling system sensors and actuators Cooling plant devices channel count level tank transmitter1 pump pressure transmitter1 Dissolved O2 sensor1 temperature sensors1 heat exchanger system (from ex.)2 vacuum tank p sensor1 electrovalves for tank vacuum pump1 N2 flow meter2 N2 pressure regulator2 flow meter1 elettovalves for liquid ring vacuum pump4 vacuum pump1 Cooling line devices channel count flow meter85 p regulators85 shut off pneumatic valves (I) NORMALLYCLOSED85 shut off pneumatic valves (out)NORMALLYOPEN85 T sensors85 p sensors (I)85 p sensors (out)85
Cooling Plant PLC system S7-1500/ET200MP Digitial and analog IO- Modules for sensors + actuators Failsafe CPUs available today, but no failsafe IO- Modules →Optionally ET200SP or ET200M have to be used Operation Panel, PLC S and ET200MP System 1 will be in a rack at the cooling plant location. Subdivision to several racks or decentral boxes is possible, even IP67 systems ET200MP System 2 will be near the PANDA detector
High Voltage System Responsible for the control and monitoring of detector high voltages and currents (including up- and down-ramping) Hardwired shutdown function in the case of alarms (environmental monitoring, cooling plant, global alarm from the DCS) It is intended to use commercial systems, probably Wiener/ISEG MPOD-based systems (preferred) or CAEN multi-channel power supplies (but no decision up to now). An industrial type of PC with Linux will be used as EPCIS IOC. Connection between IOC and Powersupply crates will be based on Ethernet. Number of channels: 480 (each V,I) Local Ethernet Channel Access Protocol Power Supply Crates EPICS IOC
Low Voltage System Responsible for the control and monitoring of supply voltages of the front end electronics Hardwired shutdown function in the case of alarms (environmental monitoring, cooling plant, global alarm from the DCS) It is intendend to use a commercial system. Wiener MPOD crates with MPV modules is the preferred solution, but no decision up to now Number of channels: 1584 (each V,I) Under evaluation for the Strip detector: GBT-SCA for PASTA voltages and currents Pixel detector: 810 bias voltages from TOPIX Local Ethernet Channel Access Protocol Power Supply Crates EPICS IOC
Environmental Monitoring Responsible for the monitoring of temperatures and humidity in the detector Detector power shutdown in the case of critical temperature or humidity Pixel Part: temperature monitoring by TOPIX ASIC integrated sensor additional temperature and humidity sensors wired outside of the MVD Strip Part: Under evaluation: temperature monitoring by PASTA ASIC Under evaluation: Sensors will be connected to GBT-SCA, either directly to ADC ports or via I2C or SPI (thus avoiding wiring of sensors outside of the MVD) Number of sensors: Temperature Sensors: 116 Humidity Sensors: 8 Topix temperatures: 810
Detector Configuration TOPIX and PASTA parameters have to be set, TOPIX and PASTA operation has to be monitored Configuration data will be downloaded via GBT Definition of data format has to be done Size of parameter set: ca. 10 MBytes
Run Control Operational Mode changes of the DAQ system have to be translated into corresponding actions of the MVD The data acquisition of the MVD has to be monitored, statistics have to be collected Core functions have to be implemented on the MMBs, which will be controlled via the CPU (serving as an EPICS IOC) in the corresponding MicroTCA crate
Crate/Rack Control Status of the crates has to be controlled: counting room crates, high and low voltage power supply crates Reset + power cycle of crates and modules Monitoring of temperatures, voltages and currents in crates and modules Water cooling is not required? MicroTCA crates (with MMBs) and ATCA crates (with Compute Nodes): Use crate management based on IPMI (over Ethernet) Unclear: Usage of an IPMI Management console or translation to EPICS? EPICS IOC or IPMI management console will be based on one common industrial type of PC for all crates Power Supply crates: use Ethernet Protocol defined by Wiener or CAEN. EPICS servers as well as Client applications are supposed to be available. Number of MicroTCA crates: 8 Number of power supply crates: ca. 19
Status and Activities planned in 2015 Status: Conceptional work is being done Plans for 2015/2016: Design of the PLC system for the cooling plant Tests with HV and LV Power Supplies?? Number of FTEs in 2015: ca. 0.2 (from ZEA-2 for PLC design)