ASIA-PACIFIC ADVANCED NETWORK 38 th MEETING THU 14th AUG, Building of College of Management, NCNU The part of the avatars in Cyber Performance KAIST Graduate School of Culture Technology Boncheol Goo e-Culture Working Group
2 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG Contents 1. Issues of Cyber Performance 2. Making a Live Avatar 3. Past and Present Works
3 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG 1. Issues of Cyber Performance Stage Actor Audience the three requisites for performing arts Traditional Stage Human Passive Enjoyment None Traditional Stage Ex) virtual world, cyber space, … Not Human Ex) avatar, robot, shadow, … Active Participation Ex) SNS, internet, … Digital Performance = Traditional Performing Arts + Digital Technology New Tech Digital Performance
4 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG 1. Issues of Cyber Performance Cyber Performance / Networked Performance Actor Audience Cyber Stage Engineer Artist Technician Realistic Communication Introduction of New Media Utilization of High Technology A/V Quality Fun Element Spectacle Delay Storytelling Standardization PeoplePurposeInterest Obstacle
5 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG 1. Issues of Cyber Performance The Main Problem in CP Delay Main-sub Relationship Eye Contact Limited Camera Angle Interactivity Proscenium Using live avatars can be a good way of solving problems. Human-Content Human-Human Human-Computer
6 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG 2. Making a Live Avatar Depth Sensing using Kinect Synapse send receive Skeleton Avatar
7 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG 2. Making a Live Avatar Creating a Live Avatar in Max6
8 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG 2. Making a Live Avatar Value for Practical Use Reducing Delay Feeling Exchange between Performers (Solving Eye Contact) Advantages Character Design Using Image Effect Remote Control Korea Malaysia Vietnam Collaboration with TEIN and APAN on the VinaREN/TEIN4/MyREN/KoREN May 18, 2014
9 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG 3. Past and Present Works NetBand Interactive performance, KAIST–Keio University at Tokyo, Nov. 2, 2009
10 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG Collaborative Connections in Time & Space Mar 14th, 7:30pm at NYU, 5:30pm at CU in Boulder, 15th, 8:30am at KAIST, 2010 Three-Point Distributed Live Performance 3. Past and Present Works Memory
11 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG VC Tx Rx VC Tx VC Rx VC Rx Sync Croma key VC Tx Composition Rx VC BarcelonaKAIST Reflector Networked performance, KAIST–i2cat at Barcelona, Oct. 20, Past and Present Works Pansori-Flamenco
12 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG 3. Past and Present Works dQ12 Dancing across Oceans | Mon 13 Feb, 2012 (33 th APAN) - three continent networked music and dance performance - Barcelona(ES)-Salvador(BR)-ChiangMai(TH)-Daejeon(KR)
13 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG KAIST–Colombo(LK), Aug. 25, 2012 (34 th APAN) 3. Past and Present Works Good-bye Mr. Tom Colombo, Sri Lanka Daejeon, Korea Max6 Processing Kinect HD Camera Actor Actress Self Monitoring Video from Colombo Video Mixed (Daejeon+Colombo) HD Camera Shoot Recursion
14 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG 3. Past and Present Works dQ13 Dancing beyond Time | Wed 21 Aug, 2013 (36 th APAN) - three continents networked music and dance performance - Prague(CZ)-Barcelona(ES)-Salvador(BR)-Daejeon(KR)
15 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG 3. Past and Present Works dQ14 Dancing in Space | Tue 12 Aug, 2014 (38 th APAN) Collaboration between Internet2 and APAN - three continents networked music and dance performance - Prague(CZ)-Barcelona(ES)-Miami(US)-Nantou(TW)
16 / 16 The Part of the Avatars in Cyber NCNU/Nantou/TW, Aug. 14, 2014 e-Culture WG Thank You e-Culture WG