AP Gov Ch 1 What is government? Theories about government. Core ideas of American democracy
Government – the institution….
How does government effect your life? Name specific roles of government.
What is government? The institute that makes collective decision for our society Makes public policy decisions Promotes the common good
American Apathy – the evidence Knowledge of government and politics Voter turnout Watch presidential speeches Follow politics Fed up - polarization Can Americans “be free, yet ignorant?” T. Jefferson
U.S. Voter Turn-out vs.. Other Democracies
Political Efficacy – What is it? Who feels it? And why?
Why are American Youth Turned Off/ uninformed? (Chart 1.2) Politics dirty? Knowledge gap - internet Political efficacy – or lack thereof Sense of civic virtue? Consumerism – me first Loss of social capital – Putnam theory Fragmentation of culture – other stuff more interesting Voting is not easy or convenient No burning issue (war, draft…) Too busy?
Why do over 60 year olds vote and participate at a higher rate? Remember – those who participate the most gain the most.
3 Levels of American government 500,000 elected officials
The functions/purposes of all governments. National defense/Defend Sovereignty - $650 B.+ on Defense General welfare/Promote Public good – dignity and worth of every individual – parks, public schools… Preserve order/Enforce Rule of law – 1.5 m. in jail – courts, prosecutors… Collect taxes/revenue – 33% of all USA GDP Socialize youth – patriotism – obedience? – Hard work? How far is too far?
Politics – “Who gets what, when, and how.”
Apply Who gets what, when and how to Medicaid expansion in Michigan 450,000 new enrollees $7 million per day cost paid by the federal gov. Once implemented, 30% of total Michiganders will receive (70% will pay for the 30%) Based on 133% of the federal poverty line
Forms of political participation Voting Joining single issue/special interest groups Surveys Internet – social media, blogs… Donate $$ Lobby Pressure elected officials – letters, calls Protest
Public Policy – All actions (or inactions) taken by government on issues of public concern Goal – results – Obama economic stimulus package??? Reagan’s inaction on the AIDS crisis
Policy Making System The process by which public policies come into being, evolve, change The Players
Public Agenda - issues that attract serious public concern Agenda Setting – Top issues of concern
Linkage Institutions Work in concert to shape public policy
3 Branches of the U.S. governmental System – Balance of Power
What is democracy? Direct vs. Indirect or representative democracy 5 th century AthensSenate in Rome
Why Democracy? So that policies respond to and represent the will of the people – public preferences
Founder’s fears about democracy Rule by the mob - ignorance Fear of taxation – majority takes and redistributes wealth from the minority Social class differences – reconcillable?
Gradual Expansion of Democracy expansion of suffrage Religion Property ownership African-Americans – former slaves Women D.C. residents 18 year olds Immigrant debate today – future voters?
Lincoln Quote, “Of the people, for the people, and by the people.” Popular Sovereignty. Is this what the Founding Fathers had in mind?
Core or Traditional Ideas about Democracy Equality – Of opportunity/ not results Effective participation - adequate and equal opportunity Marketplace of ideas – informed citizens and civic virtue Citizen control of the agenda – wealth effect? Inclusion – rights to all.
Majority Rule – Minority Rights
3 Modern Theories about American Democracy Pluralists Elite and class theory hyper pluralism
Challenges to Democracy Complex technologies Low participation Escalating campaign costs Polarized political interests - gridlock
American Political Culture – Declaration of independence Creed Liberty – Max freedom, without… Egalitarianism – political and economic opportunity Individualism – boot strap analogy Laissez-faire – free market – “cowboy capitalism” Populism – Lincoln “of – for – by the people”. – popular sovereignty – the people grant powers to the gov.
Modern culture war – hot button issues Polarizing Issues
Scope of American Government – What we expect from government Is the government too big – doing too much? Entitlements and deficit spending Reagan/Bush/ and Republican POV on smaller government and lower taxes
Total government spending (state, local, federal) $3.8 B. total Defense 18% Social Security 20% Medicare and Medicaid – over 24% National debt $17 Trillion+ Annual deficit 3013 – $900 B