Copyright © 2009 Healthy Teen Network. All rights reserved. The Impact of Positive Youth Development Programs on Teen Pregnancy Prevention Wednesday, May 28 th, 2009 Gina Desiderio, MA, Program Manager
What is Youth Development? Youth Development programs o inspire life goals, o create support networks, o encourage participant in constructive activities, o build self-esteem, and o build on inherent characteristics of youth to do well in the face of adversity Youth Development programs integrate principles of adolescent development 2
Important Protective Factors Hopes and dreams for the future Self-esteem, self-worth Motivation to delay pregnancy Motivation to avoid STIs, & HIV Connection to community Connection with a positive adult mentor 3
The Realms of Human Development Physical Psycho- Social/ Emotional Cognitive 4
Ecological Model (Brofenbrenner) Childhood and youth development are influenced by several layers of micro and macro systems. Cannot impact behavior without integrating spheres: o Family o Peers o Neighborhood o Community o Society 5
Effective YD programs integrate the ecological model by Increasing the connectedness of youth with non-parent adults (Grossman, 2006) Recognizing the importance of self-esteem and maladaptive coping mechanisms upon sexual health decisions, including the choice to use contraception (Commendador, 2007) Encouraging youth to have goals, which, in turn, increase the likelihood that they will engage in safe sex practices (Jumping-Eagle, 2008) Helping to prevent subsequent pregnancies in young mothers when they rely upon a package of clinical and social services (Schaffer, 2008) 6
Core Competencies for Youth Development Professionals (National Collaboration for Youth) 1.Understands and applies basic child and adolescent development principles. 2.Communicates and develops positive relationships with youth. 3.Adapts, facilitates, and evaluates age-appropriate activities with and for the group. 4.Respects and honors cultural and human diversity. 5.Involves and empowers youth. 7
Core Competencies for Youth Development Professionals (cont.) 6.Identifies potential risk factors (in a program environment) and takes measures to reduce those risks. 7.Cares for, involves, and works with families and community. 8.Works as part of a team and shows professionalism. 9.Demonstrates the attributes and qualities of a positive role model. 10.Interacts with and relates to youth in ways that support asset building. 8
Why Youth Development? Youth may benefit most from programs with a multi- faceted approach Health, safety, & well-being intersect with family life, school, community, and access to services and supports Assumes young people have needs unique to adolescence Incorporates the complex nature of human development Relies on asset-building Research links Youth Development programs to positive reproductive health behaviors 9
Prevention Programs and Youth Development Programs YD programs provide a complementary opportunity Prevention programs may lack scope to include YD YD provides broader context o Strengthen ties to families and communities o Bolster self-esteem o Smooth transition to adulthood o Ameliorate factors that lead to risk-taking behaviors YD programs can help youth build other assets o Self-efficacy o Community linkages o Mentor relationships 10
Resources Healthy Teen Network: CDC DASH: MOAPPP: Advocates for Youth: Forum for Youth Investment: Healthy Youth Development Prevention Research Center: National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy: Search Institute: Youth Asset Study: Wyman Center, Inc. : The Brookings Institution: Cost Effective Investments in Children childrenfamilies_isaacs.pdf 11