I nformation C ommunication T echnology Also referred to as: Digital Technologies Computing Computer Science IT Informatics …… Information for you and your Careers Teacher colleagues
Lots of jobs … 2291 jobs listed on ‘Seek’ - (194 in Canterbury) 1015 listed on ‘Trade Me’ - (98 in Canterbury) * As at 11 Sept 2013 “70-80% of jobs are never advertised” – CPIT Career Centre Why study ICT?
Good salary potential … Why study ICT? “An IT professional with 15 years’ experience earns a median base salary of $95,000, while those with a degree earn on average $25,000 more per year.”
8 of the top 10 are in ICT New Jobs in the next Decade 8 of the top 10 are in ICT!
Lots of jobs available locally and globally High salary potential Career advancement opportunities Involves creative and innovative problem solving Technology is constantly evolving You can help shape the future Why study ICT?
Experienced teachers who are IT professionals Staff who are caring and available to help State of the art computer labs Qualifications respected by employers Hands-on, practical, applied courses Work ready graduates Applied degree with industry projects Stair-cased qualifications Why study ICT at CPIT?
ICT Qualifications at CPIT A wide range of options … Certificate in ICT (level 4) Diploma in ICT (level 6) Bachelor of ICT (level 7) Computer Technicians Certificate (level 5) Diploma in Computer Networking (level 6) Plus two other quals Certificate in Systems Administration (level 6) Graduate Diploma in ICT (level 7) Also options through Campus Connect
Certificate in ICT 6 months full time, part time available Level 4 – 60 credits Entry: 36 NCEA Level 1 credits, 12 in L1 English & 12 in L1 Maths 4 compulsory courses: Introduction to Information Technology Practical Skills in ICT Information & Communication Skills Problem Solving in ICT
Typical Certificate in ICT timetable
Diploma in ICT 2 years full time, part time available Level 6 – 240 credits Entry: 36 NCEA Level 2 credits, 12 in L1 English & L1 Maths Includes: Common 1 st year Specialisation in 2 nd year – IT Support, Networking (Systems Admin), or Software Development
Typical Diploma in ICT pathway
Bachelor of ICT 3 years full time, part time available Level 7 – 360 credits Entry: 60 credits at L3 or higher and 20 credits at L2 or higher. 14 credits in each of 3 subjects. Numeracy, 10 credits at L1 or higher, Literacy 10 credits at L2 or higher (5 in reading and 5 in writing) Includes: Common 1 st year Specialisation in 2 nd & 3 rd years in Software Development, Interactive Media, Networking (Systems Admin) or Information Systems & Strategies A major industry based project
Typical Bachelor of ICT pathway
Further 2 years Cert ICT 6 months Dip ICT 2 years BICT 3 years Entry: 36 NCEA level 2 credits, plus 12 in L1 English & 12 in L1 Maths Entry: 60 NCEA level 3 credits, incl 14 Maths-rich and 14 English- rich subjects Entry: 36 NCEA level 1 credits, incl 12 in English & 12 in Maths Further 18 months Further 3 years Pathways
Computer Technicians Certificate 6 months full time, part time available Level 5 – 60 credits Entry: 60 NCEA Level 1 credits, 12 in L1 English 4 compulsory courses: Hardware & software essentials Network operating systems Telecommunications cabling Communication skills
Diploma in Computer Networking 2 years full time, part time available Level 6 – 240 credits Entry: 36 NCEA Level 2 credits, 12 in L1 English & L1 Maths Includes: CCNA & CCNP courses Linux & Microsoft electives Voice and data cabling
Diploma in Computer Networking structure
9+ Technicians Cert 6 months Entry: 36 NCEA level 2 credits, plus 12 in L1 English & 12 in L1 Maths Entry: 60 NCEA level 1 credits, incl 12 in English Pathway Dip Computer Networking 2 years Further 18 months
A typical year Two Semesters: Semester Feb to 4 July 2014 Semester July to 5 Dec weeks of classes each semester plus: A study week & 2 week exam period 2 week term break during each semester 3 week holiday break between semesters
Typical weekly commitment 4 courses each semester 3 or 4 hours per week of classes per course (12 – 16 hours in class) Plus self directed study/assignment work – the higher the course level the more of this you need to do
Certificate in Systems Administration 1 year part time Level 6 – 60 credits Consists of four of the BICT degree courses which align with Microsoft Certified curriculum Can also elect to externally sit the official Microsoft exams to gain Microsoft Certification (MCSA or MCITP)
Some ICT companies in Chch
For further advice Alison Clear, Head of Department Graham Moore, Operations Manager Mehdi Asgarkhani, Academic Leader Miranda Satterthwaite, STEM Coordinator