8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W Open Floor Plan Display / Exchange (OFPD/X) Emergency Management Standards Overview
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W How does Open Floor Plan Display/Exchange (OFPD/X) Fit in the Emergency Management Standards Overview? Plans of all floors from basement to roof Walls and Partitions Doors Windows Stairs Elevators Exits Special Features
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W An Overview is made from a Viewpoint that is like a Lens with a Filter that … (From: Deborah MacPherson -- AEC EcoBuild 2009 BIM Aquarium)
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W Focuses on the Needs of a Stakeholder Group Emergency Management (EM) is the Focus of this Viewpoint OFPD/X Must Fit into Existing & Planned Framework of Standards Ground level Needs of Police, Fire, Emergency Medical Techs MUST be met Open Standards for Interoperability Ensure Accountability, Lower Cost
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W Standard in place with good adoption Standard in place with some adoption Standard in place with little adoption Standard in progress Standard not yet started in a Standards Development Organization Note: This presentation has an OASIS bias due to the author’s familiarity with and participation in the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM TC)
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W (From: Deborah MacPherson -- AEC EcoBuild 2009 BIM Aquarium & Steven Ray – OFPD/X The Broader Context)
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W INSPIRE ORCHESTRA EDXL EDXL-RIM Note: This presentation has an OASIS bias due to the author’s familiarity with and participation in the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM TC) (From: Deborah MacPherson -- AEC EcoBuild 2009 BIM Aquarium & Steven Ray – OFPD/X The Broader Context)
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS Emergency Management (EM) Standards in a Nutshell Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL) Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) EDXL-Distribution Element (EDXL-DE) EDXL-Hospital AVailability Exchange (EDXL-HAVE) EDXL-Resource Messaging (EDXL-RM) Note: This presentation has an OASIS bias due to the author’s familiarity with and participation in the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM TC)
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W European Union-European Commission (EU-EC) EM Standards in a Nutshell Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Services and Applications for Emergency Response (SAFER) Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) 9 Data Specifications 12 Supplemental Documents Open Architecture and Spatial Data Infrastructure for Risk Management (ORCHESTRA) Reference Model 18 Abstract Specifications 14 Implementation Specifications Multiple Supporting Documents Note: The author is not familiar with nor a participant in the EU-EC and offer this information for reference purposes only
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS Emergency Management Standards Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Best Known OASIS EM Standard v1.0 Approved March 2004 v1.1 Approved October 2005 v1.1 Errata with ITU-T ASN.1 Representation Approved October 2007 v1.2 in Approval Process Now CAPv1.2-IPAWS* Profile Approved as Committee Specification September 2009 * IPAWS is the acronym for “Integrated Public Alert and Warning System.”
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS Emergency Management Standards CAP uses for Routing Purposes Because CAP Preceded Formulation of EDXL Family Concept Specifies WGS 84 to Represent Location of Incident CAP Planned to be Explicitly Included in EDXL Family in CAP v2.0 OASIS Profile for GML will be included in CAP v2.0 as well as New and Next Versions of EDXL Family Members Common Alerting Protocol v1.1
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS Emergency Management Standards EDXL-DE v1.0 Used for Distribution (Routing) of EDXL Family Messages Approved May 2006 Currently Being Promoted to Increase Adoption, Gain Feedback Call for Comments/Issues to be Released in December 2009 Decision to Build v1.1 or v2.0 to be made in Q v2.0 MUST Support Policy-Based Geographical, Geopolitical, and Geospatial Information (Including Interior Space)
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS Emergency Management Standards EDXL-DE uses to Specify Geographical Area for Distribution with, Specifies Geopolitical Area of Distribution with,, No Interior Spatial or Campus/Installation Identifiers yet Established for Emergency Management Viewpoint. Emergency Data Exchange Language-Distribution Element v1.0
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS Emergency Management Standards You can think of EDXL-DE as an Envelope or Package Containing the Message Payloads of other EDXL Family Members Current Geospatial Routing Metadata does not Include Interior Spaces such as Floor, Room. Roof, Basement, etc, Necessary for Fine-Grained Personnel Alerts and Warnings
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS Emergency Management Standards EDXL-HAVE v1.0 Used for “Snapshot” Reports of a Hospital’s Currently Available Beds and Support Staff Approved November 2008 More Complex than CAP or EDXL-DE A Single Pre-defined Message (Report) Type (Like CAP) Brought to OASIS EM Technical Committee as a Previously Developed Candidate Specification called “Hav-Bed” to be “Fitted” to EDXL Family
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS Emergency Management Standards EDXL-HAVE uses “geo-oasis:WhereType” One Instance Only in (Not Yet to the Point of Needing a “Location” Category) EDXL-RM also uses “geo-oasis:WhereType” No Interior Spatial or Campus/Installation Identifiers yet Established for Emergency Management Viewpoint, but Hospitals, as well as Fire-Fighters need this ASAP Emergency Data Exchange Language- Hospital Availability Exchange v1.0
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS Emergency Management Standards EDXL-RM v1.0 Used for Emergency Logistics Communications Approved November 2008 Not yet Actively Promoted to Increase Adoption, Gain Feedback – Will Start in 2010 Most Complex Specification in EDXL Family till EDXL-Situation Reporting is Completed 16 Pre-defined Resource Messages Built to Allow User-defined Message(s) Begins Organizing Common Information Categories for use in Multiple Messages within a Specification
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS Emergency Management Standards EDXL-RM uses “geo- oasis:WhereType” (<xsd:element name="TargetArea“ type="geo-oasis:WhereType” minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>) Location Information contained in LocationType Package, a Pattern Repeated with other Common Information Types Reused in other Messages. EDXL-HAVE also uses “geo-oasis:WhereType” “geo-oasis:WhereType” is Precursor of OASIS Profile of GML Emergency Data Exchange Language-Resource Messaging v1.0
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS EM Standards Pipeline EDXL-Situation Reporting (EDXL-SR) Underway, to be used for Emergency Decision Support & Incident Command Operations EDXL-Medical Emergency Patient (EDXL-MEP) Submission Likely Early 2010 for Tracking Patient Information During Emergency thru Handoff to Normal Health Care Systems using Electronic Medical Records CAP v2.0 to be Incorporated with EDXL Family Decision on EDXL-DE v1.1 or 2.0 in Early 2010 EDXL Reference Information Model (EDXL-RIM) Underway
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W Levels of Abstraction EDXL-RIM will Provide Guidance using Experience from Preceding EDXL Family Specifications to Create Common Component Methods Across EDXL Family Liaisons with other SDOs like OGC for Guidance on How to Use Common Components like OASIS- GML Profile Should be Considered OFPD/X Needs to Fit in Appropriate Level of Abstraction * ** (Top, Bottom Images): A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, Christopher, Ishikawa, Silverstein, et al, 1977; ISBN-10: ISBN-13:
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS EM Standards Pipeline EDXL-RIM Follows the Move to Common Components in EDXL Family Common Information Categories in EDXL-RM Profiles in CAPv1.2-IPAWS Profile & OASIS-GML Profile EDXL-RIM Components Defined at Intermediate Level of Abstraction OFPD/X Can be Adapted to use EDXL-RIM Component Methodology
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W OASIS EM Standards Pipeline EDXL-RIM Follows the Move to Common Components in EDXL Family First EDXL-RIM Component to be “ValueListURN” Allows Any Jurisdiction to use Any List for Event Types, Command Positions, Equipment Names, etc Can be used to Specify Geospatial Coordinate Reference System (CRS) Can be used to Specify Geopolitical References Can be used to Specify Policies According to any Organization Policies Likely to use RDF TripleStores & Pave Way for Semantic Web & Ontological Engineering Efficiency & Adaptability
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W Standard in place with good adoption Standard in place with some adoption Standard in place with little adoption Standard in progress Standard not yet started in a Standards Development Organization Note: This presentation has an OASIS bias due to the author’s familiarity with and participation in the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM TC)
8 D E C E M B E R E M E R G E N C YM A N A G E M E N TS T A N D A R D S O V E R V I E W Thank You Contact Information Rex Brooks Starbourne Communications Design Images from Golden Gate Safety Network draft titled "Openess" by David Coggeshall for a presentation at Google 2009 Dec fon Indoor Location, 3d, Indoor Navigation Special Meeting organized by OGC 3DIM (3d Information Management)