Application for Ethics Approval for BEd/BSSc Honours Projects Tianyuan Li, Chairperson of the PS Departmental Ethics Committee (June 2015)
Review by the Departmental Ethics Committee (DEC), PS DEC Membership: Chairperson and members are appointed by Head. DEC is delegated by Head - to review ethics applications endorsed by supervisors; and - to approve and notify the applicant of the decision Enquiries: Miss Helena Tsang, DEC (PS) Secretary,
Where to begin? ◦ Departmental ethics application webpage ◦ 37&secid= &secid=2474
Student Ethics Application Documents needed ◦ Application form ◦ Appropriate consent forms and information sheets (e.g., school, parent, participants) Chinese version ALSO needed if it is the language that will be presented to the participants ◦ (Draft) Questionnaire and/or interview scripts ◦ Research proposal
Procedure Step 1Download documents from the Department’s website at Read the advice and notes in the application document and reference documents on the web, and consult supervisor in preparing your ethics applications. Submit the application materials to your supervisor. NOTE: - Processing time can take one month. Allow enough time!! - You should NOT start collecting data or asking for participants ’ consent before obtaining approval from the Departmental Ethics Committee. Step 2Supervisor to review the ethics documents and research proposal and suggest necessary amendments. Step 3Supervisor to pass the signed application documents to Secretary of the Departmental Ethics Committee (Helena, Soft copy with e-signature is
Procedure Step 4DEC to review and pass feedback comments to student and supervisor for revision. Student is required to use track changes in making changes and pass the revised documents to supervisor. Supervisor to review and forward the documents to DEC for review again. Step 5DEC to review revised application documents. If no further revision is required, DEC Secretary will the approval to the student and supervisor If the revision is not done carefully, multiple rounds of revision is possible.
Time: A major issue! Allow about one month for the ethics application To save time Prepare the documents carefully Present the participants, methodology, and data collection process clearly and consistently Only make necessary changes to the templates Draft questionnaire and interview scripts are acceptable as long as experimental procedures will not change in ethically important ways, e.g.: Doesn’t newly ask any potentially sensitive information of the participants (e.g. drug use; sexual activity; etc.), Doesn’t newly recruit children (below age of 18) as participants, Doesn’t introduce new recruitment procedures that could pressure potential participants to participate Doesn’t change anonymity or confidentiality of data (e.g. newly deciding to take videotapes or other recordings)
Common mistakes Information being vague / missing, especially about participants and methodology Number of participants, age range of participants, the way to recruit participants and conduct the study, tasks for the participants, duration of each task, audio/videotape or not, confidentiality/anonymity of the data, how long the data file will be kept, etc. Information* being inconsistent (initial submission or revision) Consistency between documents: proposal, application form, information sheet, etc Consistency between Chinese and English version of consent form and information sheet * as indicated above, e.g., number of participants, duration of task (time commitment), etc. Consent forms and Information Sheets - Mistakes when doing copy and paste. For example, used “your child” in school consent form, used “your student” in parent consent form. - Wrongly placed the names (supervised by [name of student] and conducted by [name of supervisor]) in the forms.
Common mistakes Parent consent School consent If there is some kind of potential risk / discomfort or eliciting negative emotion, how to eliminate or minimize (i) For children aged below 9, only signature of their parents/guardians on consent form is required; completion of the task, after verbal explanation of its nature by the researcher, provides implied consent by the child; (ii) For children aged 9 to 15, signature of both the children and their parents/guardians on consent form is required; and (iii) For adolescents aged 16 to 17, signature of the adolescents on consent form would be required while consent from their parents/guardians is optional for studies involving minimal risk.
Common mistakes Others Application form - PART III, question p “Will the research participant's identity be disclosed if archived tissue samples or personal / medical / social records are used? and PART III, question t “If the study is a medical/clinical research, does the protocol state compliance to declaration of Helsinki ( Normally, the answer to the questions should be “NA”. - Part IV, 3a “You will publish this research in the form of … Students should check “Thesis”. More information from the Guideline and FAQs