Winning the War on Waste Glenn Fleet Waste Management, Warwickshire County Council Tuesday 18 th March 2014
Waste Figures for 2012/13 Recycling and Composting –Around 52.4% in 2012/13 Waste reduction –13.8*% down from 2005 KGs of total waste produced in Warwickshire per head across Districts, range from –334 kg to 476 kg Recycling rate ranges from –34% to 60%
Household Waste Summary Figures Household Waste Household Waste (tonnes) Tonnes% % % Recycling (BVPI 82a)61, , , Composting (BVPI 82b)61, , , Total Re-use, Recycling, Composting (NI 192) 123, , , Energy Recovery (BVPI 82c)38, , , Landfill (BVPI 82d)91, , , Total Household Waste252,878252,286251,890
Residual (non recycled) Household Waste per Head of Population
How was this Achieved New kerbside Collection Services and Collection Schedules Waste Reduction Schemes implemented New Bio-waste Contract Upgrading HWRC’s New Reuse shops
District Schemes NBBC launch of a new bin app allowing residents instant access to bin collection information and alerts (i.e. service suspensions / delays). NWBC introduce new Kerbside Recycling Service WDC New contract started SDC has started collecting small items of WEEE, textiles and household batteries from the kerbside
District Schemes cont Evaluating expanding Flat Recycling SDC has reviewed it Clinical waste Service SDC 8 th in performance league table for Recycling
Reuse Shops Shop at every HWRC Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Bulky Waste Re-use 18% of waste at HWRC – Furniture On average some 40 tonnes are diverted
New Disposal Contracts WR2, Coventry Deal W2R - WCC inputting material since December 2013 W2R on course for full Service Commencement from March WCC to become a partner in the Coventry Energy from Waste facility owned by Coventry CC and Solihull BC Warwickshire County Council has committed to a 25 year Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the CSWDC company
What’s new at HWRC’s Princes Drive: New compactor New baler (pending) New chem sheds & system Lower House Farm: New site - replaced Grendon in June '13. Includes chems & Clinical waste and asbestos
What’s new at HWRC’s Cont’d Judkins: New purpose built site from 1st April 2014 General: Carpet recycling Mattress recycling Hard core recycling
More than 26,000 compost bins sold since % households composting Saving over 5100 tonnes of waste per year Master Composter scheme brought in-house October Master Composters trained and active Over 250 community events attended Home Composting
Master Gardeners Over 100 volunteers trained and active Over 650 registered households Almost 25,000 people spoken to at events Unfortunately funding ends 31 st March 2014
Lower House Farm Opened in June 2013 £3.5 million development WCC in partnership with Staffs CC Serves residents of North Warwickshire and Tamworth Borough Shortlisted for 2 National Procurement Awards: Best Service and Collaborative Procurement
Lower House Farm
Where do we go from here
Updated Strategy Targets 2020 Our aim 1.Reduce residual waste to 311kg per household, per year by the end of the strategy period 2.Aim to achieve countywide recycling and composting target of 65% by the end of the strategy period 3.Provide an effective HWRC service aiming to reach re-use, recycling and composting levels of 74% across all sites
Proposed Annual Targets 2013/142014/152015/162016/172017/182018/192019/202020/21 NI191 (kg) – Residual Waste per household NI192 (%) – Reuse, Recycling and Composting53%54%55%57%60%62.00%63.5%65%
What waste do we have in our bins? Contents of Residual Bin
Recyclables in residual waste
Recyclable Materials In Residual Bin Potential Recycling with current schemes in place NWBCNBBCRBCWDCSDCTotal Paper and Card1, , , , , , Plastic , Textiles , , Glass , Metals , Green Waste , Putrescibles7, , , , , , Totals12, , , , , ,586.92
Waste Prevention / Reuse Schemes introduced Food Waste into green bins Week of Thrift Junk Mail Real Nappies Home Composting
Our Ambition for coming year Stickers on bins, 750,000 bins Carry Door to Door Canvassing Push to take up of Home Composting Introduce Meet and Greet at HWRC Major campaign on food waste Cotton nappy campaign
War on Waste Video
Glenn Fleet Waste Management, Warwickshire County Council