Emmanuel Tsesmelis RRB Scrutiny Group Meeting August 2010
Meeting held on 13 August 2010 between representatives of LHC experiments and EN Department to review Service Level Agreements (SLAs). EN Department – S. Prodon ALICE – C. Decosse, W. Riegler ATLAS – M. Nordberg CMS – A. Ball, A. Charkiewicz LHCb – C. D’Ambrosio TOTEM – S. Giani (apologies; discussed afterwards) RRB SG – E. Tsesmelis
Other SLAs with the experiments may be consulted at the Workspace for the LHC RRB SG. Such meetings will be called in the future on occasions when existing SLAs are coming to an end or are in need of review.
Current agreement (EDMS of October 2005) covers period Review of cost estimates is required to cover future years of LHC operation. EN Department is preparing relevant input data on which the M&O cost estimates will be based and which will be validated by the experiments. Data includes list of equipment serving the experiments and the M&O cost per equipment. Available by end August Experiment TCs and RCs will be requested to sign- off on resulting new agreement.
Separate SLA exists for detector cooling. Costs for provision of dry air and the inertion system not yet documented in an agreement. ALICE & CMS request preparation of such an agreement. These are the LHC experiments that currently use such services.
Heavy-handling Agreements are in place between the EN/HE Group & the LHC experiments and no further action is needed at this stage. Magnet Power Supplies Agreements are in place between the TE/PO and the TE/EPC Groups & the LHC experiments and no further action is needed at this stage. Experimental Area Agreements are in place between the EN/MEF Group & the LHC experiments and no further action is needed at this stage.
Underlying document describing support provided by CERN as host lab to the experiments is: General Conditions Applicable to Experiments at CERN. Changes with respect to this document should be flagged to the RRB SG.
Video Conference Clarification requested on the roll-out schedule for the new video conferencing system VYDEO that will be replacing EVO. Roll-out schedule will affect the M&O costs. Period of transition between the two systems should be understood further.
IT ORACLE DATABASE Agreement detailing costs for provision of IT ORACLE DATABASE needs to be completed and should include the relevant estimated costs. Current document is at Workspace of the LHC RRB Scrutiny Group ( sg/2009/default.aspx). sg/2009/default.aspx Technical Engineering Support Experiments underlined that continued support from CERN for detector survey & experimental beam pipes is crucial for experiments and machine.